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BIG Up to Karma Genetics!!!

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
Hello ICers....
I had the pleasure of meeting Karma over the 420 week in Amsterdam...I wanted to start a thread to let people know what kind of person he is (IMO) and what my opinion is on his genetics he was nice enough to share with me..

We all met in the GHUnited as this was the basic get-together spot to meet and greet..Mr.Haze had already been treated to a gift bag of the finest goodies and little did I know I was about to recieve my own little special snap-box of prime goodies...
Now I have never met Karma so you have no idea what a person will look like and of course noone is ever what your mind paints them to look like...LOL...

Well Karma slides me a box and says check these samples out,which I did and drooled over the frosty samples and most excellent pieces of Resin within...
After looking I slide it back to him and he slides it back to me....He says thats yours and I cannot believe the generosity...First Class individual!!!!

We have time to talk genetics on several occasions and I learn that his gear is not only top notch but Karmas mind is sharp as a razor...Very intelligent and you can certainly tell cannabis oozes from this fellas pores...This plant is truly his life people...Much much respect from the Capt.!!!!

Although Karma may not use the next best thing(read elite ,LOL) in all his lines let me tell you that I was either Wired,Spunout,or Layed-out....Depending on variety...

Flowers were top notch all!!They might not be called Chem Or OGK or....But they are just as potent nonetheless with names like Happy Brother,JH breeder or the Amnesia breeder....Whew,,,all etremely potent specimens!!!

The A5 sativa,,,wow,,,,what a full blooded haze!!

I'm not even going to go into the extra-fine hash samples he layed on me as this is about the guys genetics....And they are first-class....Fact!

Great meeting you Karma.....Always learn a lot when I meet intelligent people and it was a pleasure to chat genetics with you bro.....Hope to talk again sometime in the near future...Will also try to get you some other stuff to mix into your wonderful genetixx collection...............Take care and grow em' safe..................................................CC


Active member
The A5 sativa,,

wow a5:yeahthats now that has been literally YEARS.

i know they used it to make the ag13 nr 2.

Never smoked anything from KG or seen him but i sure did smoke his HB in a local coffeeshop.

Even though it was sold as a haze in that shop(to justify asking high prices) it was a very tasty sweet and sour potent smoke

Karma Genetics

Oh yeah was good meeting you Capt. loved the talks in GH. got to pick the man's brain about the Chem and OG Kush genetics. It's nice to talk with people that know what you talk about and share the same pasion. Good you liked the sample's. I will be there again next year for shure,

I will try to suprise you again next year with some new stuff.

Oh i love that Nepal too bro, that is like my holy sunday morning smoke.

Thanks for the seed's they will be planted right afther I move.



thx for bringing this up capt!

if karmas shining tendensis continues, man i cant imagine where it will end!


lets see where to start i met karma on og about five years ago and i would have to say about 90% of what i know now about growing was knowledge kicked down from karma.big ups to karma

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
and I would like to see more thanks here considering how well Karma looked after us ALL!!!
He gave away a shitload of killer beans and seriously deserves the Good Karma he has coming his way...
I hope life is treating you well bro and I will touch base with you soon about some things we discussed over 420!
Take care and keep on keeping on!!!


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
Hey Capt. great thread

I have recently been chosen for a Karma test grow and i must give a BIG THUMBS UP to Karma, he must be a great person to put up all these test beans and not to mention the words of wisdom


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
KarMa "should" know how much he mean's to us F.U.C.K.E.M. boyz....but if not let me reinstate this......ThAnKYou for your KindNess!tenfold.....im sure some of our boy's will chime in....but speaking for the group...your a stand up guy...and KarMa is a most excellent name for you......very fitting...:D


karmas living the dream! sharing and loving the happy karma and dank smoke where ever he goes!


karma sure is a real nice guy only spoke to him for like half an hour but what a top quality person he is for sure!

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
This should stir a few memories...

I will load a few more pics later and if Karm a comes through maybe he can OK me posting a pic of him holding his trophy...Karma it does not show your face with the exception of the very bottom of your chin..Just a t iny piece of your chin..Hell I can edit/shop that out so if you are OK with your chest/sweatshirt/karma genetics and the trophy I will post it..
Tupperware shows "some" of the gift provided by Karma!!!!!

Karma Genetics

yeh bro post the pic. I am oke with that. he he i like the writing next to the hash.


New member
Hi Karma!

Loved both your stash and company during the cup. The A5 and hashes were also very nice.

Hope to see you again soon :)