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Big move for UK Cannabis


cant re Member
very tiny step forward but that's only at an airport right? so even if you wanted to take some on holiday you can get arrested the other end?


ICMag Donor
We need to change things WORLD WIDE on sm. amount of cannabis on a plane.....

....times, they are a changin'.

Glad to see some forward movement!! Always recall the sniffing dogs @ US Int'l airports when deplaning from Amsterdam....little did they know....there's other ways to bring it home.:tiphat:


The only reason they are doing this is because it costs too much for them to test everything they take,police time and court time.
Don't for a minute think it's because they are becoming more lenient,it's just not cost effective in these times of huge cut backs.
We'll you could say that wether it's to do with cost or not they are giving out more lenient punishments whatever the reason for it.
America hadn't legalised weed to help people out they have done it for tax revenues


Yeah your right northern,for whatever reason,it's good that people won't get nicked for percy.Hopefully this policy will make it into normal life

The reason that some americans have legal weed has nothing to do with the federal gov,to them it's still illegal,it was due to the people in those states voting to legalise.There are still many there who face much harsher sentencing than we do

supreme bean

Hi ,Interesting post.thanks for sharing the info.Personally i believe that the uk government is
very slowly bringing about changes with regard to the way cannabis is handeled by the law.
In a place with so many other problems to deal with.its just a waste of resoures to chase
personal users.
We watch the world with interest .recent developments in colorado ,washington state.uraguay etc.It all adds up ,as time goes by,cannabis becomes more accepted.
Problem is,The government doesnt want to lose its asshole supporters by being seen as soft on drugs.ie more changes are likely just after an election than just before it.
I voted for mr clegg and his band of jokers.I seem to recall,the libdems promosing
some further relaxing of the laws.Unfortunately.just one of thier unkept promises .
Good news anyway.Now you can join the MILE HIGH club without getting your wiily out.

supreme bean

Please take the time to visit CANNABIS SKUNK SENSE.Just type it in to google.
I sent them an e-mail suggesting that they are FULL OF SHITE.or to put it another way.
They mix a little bit of fact with a lot of fiction.
So.Cannabis causes cancer does it?
Cannabis has a bad effect on the immune system does it.
PLEASE PLEASE visit this website.contact them ,Tell em what you think.

lost in a sea

our so called "government" is just beyond a joke..

Those men in london in controll of our fates are less than the dirt in treads of my shoes.. doesn't matter if they are red or blue they all get their scripts if they want to be the puppets on tv..

We can change our world without them when we stop giving our energy away believing in them. But man this country has a lot of problems here now and coming our way and no party will be able to avoid it i dont think. So cut yourself away from it all you can :2cents:

supreme bean

The more calls for legalization.the more they dig them heels in.Its called ,being in power!


Wanna no how to legalise cannabis in the uk, when ever someone is arrested they should refuse to cooperate with the police, deny ownership of the drugs and demand a drug test to prove its what they suspect and a fingerprint and dna test

Go to court and deny it all they way, after a year in court demand to go to trail by jury

Everyone should remember the police force is held by budgets?

Stop making it easy for them and pleading guilty

Every time your in magistrates court it costs the tax payer £1000
After a year of magistrates you get moved into crown court and it now costs the tax payer £3000 a day?

Remember the police force is held by budgets? Every penny you make them waste on you is a penny they can't spend fighting someone else

They will soon buckle under the pressure if people did this

mack 10

Well-known member
something needs to be done, remember a few years back, downgraded to class c, The Brixton test, where it was decriminalised for a year...
Then we went backwards,they sacked the goverment drug advisor, reclassified back to class b.
i mean wtf?

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