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BHO, why not liquid?


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Quick question about making BHO:

Why is that pressurized butane gas is the preferred method? What's the difference between that and the liquid butane?


Active member
Butane is liquid when pressurized.....

grundig im not sure what your talking about. I dont see how a chemicals state whether its liquid or gas would have any affect on it's purity. Take butane gas and pressurize/freeze it, and you have liquid butane. Why would it's chemical composition be any different.


The ability to use a pressurized butane canister makes it much easier handling and dispensing the butane through tubes holding the marijuana.

Butane can be refined. Buying 5 Times Refined Butane is your best bet. It is certainly the cleanest to my knowledge.


My little pony.. my little pony
When it has a melting point of -138.3 C I dont think anyones going to be freezing it with conventional methods so the guy with the bike pump can probably stop now.


at room temperature, butane is a gas. but as with any gas, it'll turn to liquid if it's pressurized enough or if it's frozen beyond a certain point. (below -138.8C for butane) and then it'll turn to a solid if it's pressurized or frozen even more than that.) most gases like oxygen would need a much much much colder temp. or else much much much more pressure to become a liquid, so that's why you never see them in liquid form. the only way to make the butane stay liquid without boiling would be to make the bho in a freezing cold room that's under -138.8C, or to make it in a room that's pressurized just as much as the inside of the butane can, but im pretty sure that would kill you if it was even possible