good BHO is like meth it turns liquid the minute you touch it with a flame..that a dirty comparison.. I like real oily hash..mmm hash is easist to travel with!
Ain't this a grand club, where we get to test and choose? Finger hash has always been the best for me, my lungs can barely handle my dry sand, and I waste a lot of oil on my cigars. How about a seed sized piece of finger hash, in a drop of oil, rolled in fine sand?
Just another opinion: Bubble hash has the better flavor and is easier to light up in a bowl. BHO is stronger and makes the perfect topping for a bowl of bubble. That's how I like to enjoy it.
bho is more potent, doesnt have any residue and so in my opinion is cleaner than bubble(probly get hell for that one), and is easier to make, gives you a bigger yield of top notch stash, and most importantly is not found in some hippies pocket full of dog hair and patrouli oil. It is in my opinion much more valued than just "hash"....just my 2 cents.