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BHO leftovers


Active member
The buds leftover from my BHO ectracts appear to still be very crystalized, do you guys ever make ISO out of them? I dont know if it would be worth it to do another tane extraction.


New member
remember the "crystals" are just little resin holders, after the butane passes throught it, it takes all the resin with it. You are looking at empty crystals.

If you want to see if there is anything left, just empty your tube and then re-pack it with the same stuff to distribute it around and run another can of butane through it. Its probably a waste of butane though.


'empty crystals' man that is amazing i'd never thought of it that way...


Active member
Well I ran about 12 grams of BHO leftovers, and got about 1.5gs of some really nice ISO. I realize that the tane dissolves the resin heads, but its not very efficient unless you ground up your herb or use trim to have more surface area. If you leave your herb chunky style(like you should in order to get the highest quality), there will still be alot of intact resin heads left for a second run or a wash with ISO.



Active member
if u filled ur bho tube with trim and ran iso/or denatrued through.. would be a very good idea..with no butane.. just let the alcohol run over the trim and right out the bottom.. that would get u the good stuff... :wave:


stone fool
Not really, you might get off on it, but alcohol does not extract that fast to do it like BHO. In the old age of iso, the heated alcohol passed through the materials for hours over and over again, and it was still mostly just ok. Just don;t want folks running up a dead trail.


New member
yeah, I remember the first time I made BHO with alot of herb and kif. A friend wanted to smoke the kif after the tane evaped. So he smoked about 2g of kif to no effect and I thought...empty crystals or crystal husks, cobs with no corn. :)


Slap-A-Ho tribe
I think you are seeing the stalks left over. If you examine the leaf under a loupe i'm sure you'll find that those are the headless stalks left behind. I always examine my material with an eye loupe after extracting and never seen trichomes left behind.

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