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Best All-Time Strain Poll


Lammen Gorthaur
Tell us. Which is it for you? What's the best all-time strain you have grown and smoked?

I know this is hard to have to choose one, so we'll make it a little easier and tell you to name your Top Three if you like...

Original Maui Wowie (70's version)
Red Widow 13 (G13 x Black Widow x Panama Red - Dman Seeds)
Romulan x AK47 x White Rhino (combo cross I currently grow)

What's on your list?

I smoked the Maui back in 1980 and it was thunderous. A truly satisfying buzz for recreational users.

I first grew RW13 for the CannaNet Challenge Grow back in 2003. I water cured the pot and ended up with this really high potency stuff.

I've been growing the Romulan cross for about a year now and I'm still dialing in the nuances but it is by far the strongest stuff I've grown.


the best bud for me was a random bud in the wrong bag...
And today... no one strain does it for me, got to have quite a few in the ol bong.
However if I were to pick one strain it would in fact be Maui Wowie, bought a half oz of this stuff about 8 years ago for very very cheap like 60$, I guess the dude thought it was shit cause it was light as a feather and had medium visible trichs. I got all he got of it I don't even think he touched it. Man oh man that high lasted FOREVER talk about a 5 hour flight...real high too and those buds really could float like a feather lol so needless to say it didn't last long at all. Man I wish I could find that shit around here! So right on with your choice I agree 100%.


If we are talking all time favorites, then I'm split between the true versions (circa 70's) of Maui Wowie and Panama Red. The new hybrids are great, but I miss some of the herbage of my youth.


Lifetime Supporter
ICMag Donor
For me it has to be Thai stick. Smoked it back in the day in SE Asia. That herb was just plain awesome. Ahhhh... the good ole days. Pot n Peace.


Matter that Appreciates Matter
The best strain is always the one I have not grown. It is even better when I made the seeds. With that being said, the best flavor/high/yield I have witnessed is in Johnny Blaze (Neville's Haze X DJ's Blueberry).


Best I ever smoked was a tiny pin joint of hawaiian - shared with buddy, and I was floored.

Best strain I've grown was Nirvana White Rhino, best buzz grown by me was a NL#5 (giggled for hours).


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Jack Herer
Nevilles Haze

I grew none of these, but enjoyed smoking them all immensely..

(best individual smoke - I was on a ferry from NL to UK (1991) and bumped into a man carrying some "Durban Poison".. I remember tripping my nuts off for the entire journey back on a shared spliff..)
I have to say Northern Lights. I wish I grew up in the days of Panama Red and Columbian Gold and all those classics because I would really love to try them, but I didn't and the classic in my day was Northern Light. Although, I also agree that my best all-time strain is yet to come.

(Jamie Shoes, I have a female seeds bank Neville's Haze Hybrid - that is a Jack Herer and Neville's Haze cross, or so they said. Haven't grown it yet, but you make me salivate even more for the day I do grow it.)


Back in the Eighties, I fell into some Mauii Wowie in Denver. Ya get 1 grow a year outdoors there so ya want it to be worthwhile, and a friend had a house with a fenced-in yard, so we went for it and planted a mess of seeds. I found that the clay in the soil made for a very healthy bed, resulting in a nice hedge about 4 feet tall and 8 feet long. That pheno would really creep on ya, and 3 tokes would make you fall all over yourself for 5 hours. Any more than that, and you would "whiteout" into oblivion. To this day, I haven't found anything close to that strong and long lasting strain. Took me days to get the resin offa my fingers...


The Hopeful Protagonist
Some Thai & Panama Red would do it for me.

Gettin' hungry just thinking about it. :joint:


Back in the day....I smoked some "Hawaiian" that was amazing. First time I experienced weed without seeds!

During the time I've been growing:
1. Cinderella 99
2. AK47


Lammen Gorthaur
Man, that Hawaiian stuff that was going around in the late 70s and early 80s was something else. Went to a buddy's prenuptial block party in early 1982. We hung out with some of his friends who had some pot. They were laughing about it actually because I was kind of part of the iron lung brigade in those days and would brag about the amount I could smoke and the copious amounts of alcohol I could drink. It was, after all, the Navy and such things were expected of studly Navy guys.

Then I smoked this shit and it was a dayender. I couldn't do anything. I had trouble with simple motor control. Way, way out of it and it was a big-time strain and sweat to even stay conscious. Kind of like drinking vodka with Russians. You know it's going to turn out bad and you are going to be puking up large amounts of your dinner to go with the all the booze you drank that you knew you shouldn't drink.

Man, that Maui stuff though. It was pretty intense. I've only had a few experiences similar to it since then. Three times in fact.


Man, that Hawaiian stuff that was going around in the late 70s and early 80s was something else. Went to a buddy's prenuptial block party in early 1982. We hung out with some of his friends who had some pot. They were laughing about it actually because I was kind of part of the iron lung brigade in those days and would brag about the amount I could smoke and the copious amounts of alcohol I could drink. It was, after all, the Navy and such things were expected of studly Navy guys.

Then I smoked this shit and it was a dayender. I couldn't do anything. I had trouble with simple motor control. Way, way out of it and it was a big-time strain and sweat to even stay conscious. Kind of like drinking vodka with Russians. You know it's going to turn out bad and you are going to be puking up large amounts of your dinner to go with the all the booze you drank that you knew you shouldn't drink.

Man, that Maui stuff though. It was pretty intense. I've only had a few experiences similar to it since then. Three times in fact.

A bud of mine bought a pound in '77 and would not sell the first joint. He had more fun throwing parties every night and watching the brave who took that second toke fall over. I picked up a 1/4oz a few years later that was like 5 long buds bent over; took 2 weeks of solid smoking to go through that bag. Pinch enough off for a joint and all it would do was fluff the bud a bit. Man that was somw awesome smoke back then.

The only good Thai stick I've ever come across was in sw Asia. Everything else was just weed wrapped around a stick and call TS.


Lammen Gorthaur
Super Silver Haze? Really? I'd love to grow some pot that was happy, giggly weed. Hmmm....

Maybe revisit Blue Hen (SSH x Blueberry)... Or do I have to go for the original SSH to get the giggles?


In 98 i scored a twomp of some Purple Indica,hands down the best i ever toked.It was so euphoric and potent, no fruity notes to the taste,just straight killer.:joint:


Me and 2 buddys went to Christiania (www.christiania.org Check it out!) to pick up some weed and hash. While we were there we decided to buy a prerolled joint and share it. We agreed to take the Orange Haze for approximately 10 USD. Smoked that joint, it tasted very good and hit pretty quickly.

We got SO high. We couldn't even go home. At the time it was snowing and freezing and things where quite miserable but we just had so much fun.

It was some potent shit.

Favorite out of what I've grown would be BOG's sweetcindy. Only done three grows, she was my first "real" genetics. I was so happy when I realized she was up there with some of the best smoke I ever had. And I had done it all by myself. (With the help of OG ofcourse)

I'm rambling. Sorry. Here she is.

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