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Berlin or Amsterdam?


Active member

i have to plan where to spend my summer.

The problem is that i don't think i'm ready yet to stay one month away from my beloved herb, so a few locations are aviable.

I know that amsterdam is the best place for weed, but i dont like it there and i've been there for quite too long...

So i was wondering how is the situation up there in berlin?

I mean, will i still be able to smoke daily without going bankrupt or being forced to smoke schwag?

I could also possibly go to Hamburg which is closer to netherlands...

So what do you advice? A'dam? Berlin? Hamburg?


hi man!

well. as I'm actually living in hamburg - I can only say, that my vote goes to hamburg. berlin sucks asses. it's way too big, way too dirty and there are way too many motherfuckers on the streets...

hamburg is germanies 2nd biggest city - but you'll never notice that, cause it's soooo green and suburbanlike here.

we've got lotsa good stuff available here. but of course you can also get lotsa schwag here. (same as in berlin, or anywhere else where you are a "stranger")
but in our clubs mostly there's good stuff for tourists available.
when knowing some locals it's pretty easy to get really good weed/shit here.

our city is clean, green, and you won't find those fuckin skycrapers here. (a fact for what I really LOVE hamburg).
we have a real fine nightlife. we've got europe's 3rd biggest harbour.
we've got more bridges here than venecia and amsterdam together. :headbange
(in fact: hamburg has got the most bridges in europe. followed by rotterdam and antwerp)

blabla...hehe. to put it in a nutshell: just give hamburg a try. :joint:
(when staying here it is a 2-3 hour trip via car from here to berlin. so nothing you can't do within a day, or weekend)


Active member
hamburg over a'dam?

i'm happy to hear this, because i want to learn Deutsch and this summer would be a beautiful occasion...

one more thing: where i could find a room to rent?

I would prefer a room in an university college, since is there where you can find the best pussy and the best amusements...


9393.......I am dane I go to Hamburg often, but I have not yet had the pleasure to find any shit down there in Hamburg....nice place, which I love......Not diffucult i Berlin, but where should I look in Hamburg for some primestuff ?


@gramsci.antonio: well, I didn't mean "hamburg over a'dam", just "hamburg over berlin" :D

I don't know what you mean with "room in an university college" but I can give you some links for some superb backbacker hostels, which are all in the "university/student" area ("schanzenviertel" aka "sternschanze", "karoviertel").
the "reeperbahn" (aka "kiez") nightlife-area is near either.


@satyr: we've got lotsa goa-clubs/parties over here. so there you'll definately find lotsa fine stuff. (www.goabase.de - just check out the dates in hamburg)
or: just write me a pm when you'll come over here again and we go clubbing 2gether... :joint:
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Active member
93|93 said:
@satyr: we've got lotsa goa-clubs/parties over here. so there you'll definately find lotsa fine stuff. (www.goabase.de - just check out the dates in hamburg)
or: just write me a pm when you'll come over here again and we go clubbing 2gether... :joint:

is the invite open for me too?



9393.....I am gonna take your word on that m8......Smoke a spliff together have a goaparty...

I ususally go 2 times a year or so, but I have yet to find me a good growshop down there. Usually I gone to Berlin to buy stuff and have a happy time at the hanfparade and so......

By the way to go germany...


Yeah I know hanfburg. I have bought lots of stuff form them over the net. I once looked for their shop in Hamburg but gave up and guessed it was strictly a webshop....

I they have a real shop could you link to their adress ? I kind of need to go to a shop within the 2 months, and yeah I know you dont care for soccer or the goldeboys. playing it....me neither


yes, their shop is a little hard to find, as it's on a backyard. first time I tried to find it I also failed...:D

adress is: pflanzburg, neuer pferdemarkt 22A, hamburg


I kept driving around and looking for it. Pretty hard to find a p-space close by. But I am happy it exists i hamburg.

Well I cant wait to go......next month will be the right time I guess...


New member
Hi satyr,
Hamburg is imo the best city in germany. I live there now for one year and i hope that i can be there for the rest of my life. Where do you come from?

Here some photos of the harbor :smile:



I am from Copenhagen. Nice pictures. I recognize them. Hamburg the most charming harbour and all the water all around. Looking forward to next visit.


ah Berlin. Ich erstachen einmal Frauen in einem Stab und dann griffen sexuell ein Pferd, in BERLIN!


New member
93|93 said:
hi man!

well. as I'm actually living in hamburg - I can only say, that my vote goes to hamburg. berlin sucks asses. it's way too big, way too dirty and there are way too many motherfuckers on the streets...

hamburg is germanies 2nd biggest city - but you'll never notice that, cause it's soooo green and suburbanlike here.

we've got lotsa good stuff available here. but of course you can also get lotsa schwag here. (same as in berlin, or anywhere else where you are a "stranger")
but in our clubs mostly there's good stuff for tourists available.
when knowing some locals it's pretty easy to get really good weed/shit here.

our city is clean, green, and you won't find those fuckin skycrapers here. (a fact for what I really LOVE hamburg).
we have a real fine nightlife. we've got europe's 3rd biggest harbour.
we've got more bridges here than venecia and amsterdam together. :headbange
(in fact: hamburg has got the most bridges in europe. followed by rotterdam and antwerp)

blabla...hehe. to put it in a nutshell: just give hamburg a try. :joint:
(when staying here it is a 2-3 hour trip via car from here to berlin. so nothing you can't do within a day, or weekend)

hmm.. kannst du mir auch helfen ? ich werde so ~4 tage in hamburg
sein nächste woche^^


New member
rinirax said:
na so gute orte nennen, wo man party machen kann
Zum Party machen kann ich dir nur dazu raten die Reeperbahn zu besuchen. Wenn du eher so der Bartyp bist und nicht auf Chicki Micky stehst, wie ich, geh in die Schanze da gibt es ganz geile Bars und eine ganz fette location ist die Flora.

Viel spaß!


gute bis sehr gute parties: click, waagenbau, hafenklang-exil, fundbureau, golden pudelclub (mag ich persönlich gar nicht, da ich klaustrophobiker bin :D - aber da geht dennoch gut was)


markthalle mag ich persönlich auch ganz gern. dort laufen bisweilen fette parties und fette konzerte.


die einzige location, die mir aufm kiez ab und an zusagt, ist die grosse freiheit 36. aber auch nur dann, wenn ich bock auf gruftieparty hab :violin: hehe.

ansonsten kann ich dem kiez/reeperbahn null und nichts abgewinnen. viel zu voll - vor allem mit zuvielen zu jungen (und zu betrunkenen) leuten. gibt auch oft stress dort. wenn man auf "kirmes" steht, mag das rocken, aber für ansprechende abendunterhaltung ist das eher nichts. :D
und sofern man nicht grade auf ne gothic-party in die grosse freiheit will, oder in den tunnel-transen-club ( :nono: ), kann man um den kiez ruhig nen grösseren bogen machen.

goa/tranceläden gibts auch ein paar (obschon in den meisten locations bisweilen schonmal was in die richtung gemacht wird):

http://www.atisha-hamburg.de/ (der partyname "trancedance" ist mit einer der schlimmsten partynamen schlechthin. aber der club ist ganz cool. man kann siffen, man kann kiffen. auch nicht zu verachten. ist aber nicht wirklich "my cup o' tea")

hach ja. there's a whole lotta more about hamburg. but...well....das reicht erstmal. :joint:
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