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Bart's RTW Coco Tubs


Bakin in da Sun
Finally decided to try out coco again after a bad experience with it a year or so ago... Loving it this time around,,,,, Setup is (2) 2'x3' super tubs, filled with 1 gal grow bags, most are in coco, a few are in promix (didnt want to risk killin off my mothers) < < --- Last attempt at coco they burnt to a crisp. Drain on each tub to a another 2x3' super tub that acts a collection rez for teh runoff. lighting is 2 4ft T8's, a 4 bulb T5 setup on a light mover... T5 is on loan from a friend.... i was pretty amazed at the amount of light that sucker can put out.....

since were veggin under flouros this time around ive been able to suplement c02 since the vent fan hardly ever runs. co2 turns off when the vent fan runs via a homemade relay,,,, 15$ from radioshack

co2 controller

temp controller

not much else has changed.... veggin for awhile this run, dont plan on flowerin till august,,,,, movin' again.

whats growin:
arcata tw
sensi star #5
phoenix (nhxssh) 150days
abusive og kush
sour mist
1unknown -- got mixed up durrin clonin -- can only be dank,,,, most likely its a Purple Urkle or Sour mist,,,,,

kush mix beans from my good friend TK,,,,,,

Heres a pic of my Abusive OG K in pro-mix,,,,

finicky girl,,,, she likes to rock the boat,,, been feeding her with
12ml PBP Veg
5ml magical
5ml Hygrozyme
7ml LK

Shes rooted up pretty well,,, goin to add a few teaspons of dolemite to teh soil surface to see if it helps, got a feelin its a PH issue due to the peat... the abusive ogk i got in coco looks fine and its gettin the same mixture.

Here is the unknown..... From the top....


She was in a row labeled Purp Urkle, but looked exactly like the sour mist cuts right beside her.... I decided to be safe an label her unknown. We'll see when she flowers out.

Whole room....


random shots...




Overall shots,

I was plannin on doin a coco vs promix run, but decided to put it off till I get settled in the new house.

take care,


Hey bartender,

sounds like you got yourself real organized, plus a lot of very nice genetics. i look forward to watching how things develop.

great job so far man. :yes:



Bakin in da Sun
thanks for the response mate,,,, thanks for doin your part gauis,, this is a great forum with a wealth of info,,,, could be in here reading for weeks : )

things will be goin slow around thease parts,,,, wont be updating this thread unless you guys really want to see more veg pics,,,,, just wanting to show everyone how simple and easy a RTW coco setup can be,,, set itup in a few hours, and didnt spend more than 50$ at lowes....


wow 50 bucks, that not bad man. but yeah, i know what you mean, people tend to have more interest in the buding plants rather then veging ones, lol. such is human nature eh? anyway, keep up the good show :yes: :wave:


Active member
hell yea bartender

looking good my man....im'a have to try coco soon i think
looks like you're doing great and the girls show it



Bakin in da Sun
moved these gals to a different location till i get moved into the new house,,,, move went extremly smooth... setup was designed to be easy to move/take apart. Ill snap pics of the new setup,,, added 3rd tub,,, girls were gettin big... Had to cut them back before the move. Sprayed with Avid at the new house,, (wore a paint mask, 2 layers (long sleeve + hoody), labratory goggles, and heavy duty yellow gloves),, the guy hasnt been growin for 6mo, but his last cropped was ravagged by spider mites.... not taking any chances with these gals.

gaius- ~50 bucks = 3xtubs, grow bags, 2x4s, + 1 bale of coco,,, lights and rest of the equipment was already on hand. lol cant blame ppl for wantin to lookin at triched out nugs : )

mtnjohn- thanks brotha for the props, try the coco, you will enjoy imo,,, im lovin it... makes growin easier imo,,,, the 5 gals in 1gal promix are way rootbound,,, need to transplant them up... the 1gal cocos are showin NO signs of being rootbound.



Active member
hey bart...

this method of growing is somewhat new to me, and I find it quite interesting! Cant wait to see how this goes...how much work would you say this is compared to other ways of growin?

My kush crosses are veggin under a 400w mh gettin ready for the big ol sun soon, pics soon :)




I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
howzit brother..?? Hope all is well out yer way.. Man what a nice setup with the coco i feel this time around all will go well for ya.. Nice selection too Ill be watching from my lazy boy over there cool ~~~>> I been reading up on the coco myself i want to try it one day as well. So ill be watchin this for sure.. bbl to peep some updates.. peace..



Hey bartender,

Man, been wondering about you since i haven't seen nor talked to you in sometime. What do i find after doing a search on your ass. WOW, coco growing with Bart. lolol Nice to see your giving the old coco another go. Good luck to you my friend and i hope all is well over your way. Nice to see your up and running. You take care and drop me a line when you get a chance.