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bars in nyc


Active member
lol, I do wish you the best, and hope I am proven wrong, but I do not think you will get many replies to this thread.

Like I said, I wish ya the best.

Keep the Peace


dutchmasters420 said:
anyone know any good bars in nyc that don't id?

sorry bro the days of not gettn IDs inNYC are over ...

way to much liability ...

1 get fake ID ....

or 2 wait till ure 21 ... which by the subject of this thread ure not ...

good luck u can try some of the real dives .. they might over look ... but not any reputable ones ...


Active member
if ya look 30 or so none of em will check your id.i havent been carded in years. maybe put some fake grey hair on your head LOL try using a fake mustache


Cannabrex Formulator
I find this 21 yr old drinking age in the US to be quite a weird and distrurbing scenario.

They will train you to drive a tank at 18, put you in a battlezone and make you blow-up and kill people, yet you can't have a beer afterwards??
WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT ALL ABOUT?? Anything that feels good (sex, drugs, alcohol, etc etc) seems to be deemed BAD ans SINFUL....and the people must be protected from such evil influences bythe powers that be.

This is the same attitude that condones and promotes TV violence and commercial indoctrination, yet demonises the showing of a titty on TV......an attitude that directly originates from the incredibly repressive and neurotic Puritans who founded the country.

You know....the ones who were kicked out of England for being too insanely repressive and extreme......the ones who were happiest when denouncing their neighbors as heretics, sinners or witches......

It is high fucking time this sick, antiquated, neurotic and repressive attitude towards any kind of pleasure is dropped by the wayside, and a healthier, more human philosophy had it's day in the US.

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Wacky Tobacky

Active member
if you have a NY drivers licences it is very easy to change the numbers and make it say your 21. its called "chalking" the ID. back in the day when i lived in NY my friend would do it all the time. its really not hard to do.


just smoke the herb . fuck alchohol!!!!! putt some effort into youre garden . like genkisan states. the laws in the u.s. are fucked !! u can drive a car or tanks, buy a gun, get married ,but no beer? thats fuckn stupid.At the bars are nothing butt problems, unless its a GOOD PUB!!!! with family . women , even kids , food ,

Wacky Tobacky

Active member
mean mr.mustard said:
wow what an incredibly informative post Wacky Tobacky... :D
lol well i dont want to get to specific on how to do it but trust me it is very easy and if you do it right its really hard to tell that its fake.

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