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Bad Week for Marijuana in California


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Over at the Huffington Post they are discussing the bad week we've had in California as a result of two significant busts and one local DA growing his own in Mendocino County.

It's safe to say it hasn't been the greatest week for the California marijuana industry.

On the heels of Obama's flimsy explanation for his administration's growing crackdown on medical cannabis, three high-profile isolated incidents plagued Northern California during the past five days.

In Oakland, police confiscated more than $1 million worth of marijuana -- 2,500 plants -- during a Wednesday night warehouse raid that marked one of the city's largest to date. According to the Oakland Tribune, 11 suspects were arrested after SWAT officers used flash bang grenades to gain access to the supply. Investigators described the findings as "very good quality."

Meanwhile, up in Mendocino, Deputy District Attorney Sergio Fuentes was put on administrative leave after authorities discovered a pot garden in his home. No arrests have been made, and according to the Santa Rosa Press-Democrat, the situation remains under investigation.

And over in Novato, federal prosecutors began proceedings to shut down two popular cannabis dispensaries: the Green Door Wellness Education Center and the Green Tiger. While the latter has already closed, the former has vowed to remain open unless it receives a direct order otherwise. "I want to combine the passion for helping our patients with the wisdom to stay out of jail," Green Door owner Lawrence Pebbles told the Marin Independent Journal.


If Californian's stopped shipping weed all over the country I bet a lot of this shit would stop.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
or maybe we should follow the plant limits of 99 or less. I dont like seeing people busted for this but if you grow over 99 plants your putting a big red target on your back


Active member
Hammerhead, I think you have got it right on this call! I have friends..they can get things shipped! Once you in Cali. go over that 99 plant count # you are asking to have troubles! Not in my view..but from "the Feds".. monkey5


Golden Coast
Cali is becoming the next canada for commercial supply..its all the dude bros flooding the states with Pload commercial poop , And im sure the states that dont like MMJ are pissssed


Active member
I wish those who can & do grow "kind buds" could grow thousands of plants!! And see no reasons that they should not..other than a jail cell..keep it green everyone!! monkey5


Active member
im actually having a great week. never woulda even noticed if i didnt read this. Keep the chronic flowing cali.


Active member
I am back east..I see herbs from all over..I look for Cali. buds when I can get good weed from Cali., but I see stuff from Colorado..& Michigan .. and stuff I have no idea where it came from!! Where I am located we are far from flooded here! Lol.. monkey5


Active member
this story sounds like insanity! when will it end? The DA got caught up in this story too, WTF??!! :snap out of it:


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
or maybe we should follow the plant limits of 99 or less. I dont like seeing people busted for this but if you grow over 99 plants your putting a big red target on your back

Plant limits are for PUSSIES.....:biggrin:

Love Cali....
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Enormous Member
Most ridicoulous statement to ever appear on IC Mag.

Originally Posted by Iron_Lion
If Californian's stopped shipping weed all over the country I bet a lot of this shit would stop.

Why is it so ridiculous? CA is supplying the rest of the country with their MJ. The CA demand would plummet without shipping interstate, and you would see much fewer huge grows.

That being said, the DA in Mendo would probably still have set up his garden. What a jackass! I love it!


Most ridicoulous statement to ever appear on IC Mag.

Ok.... :biglaugh:

Most of the MJ busts I read about are idiots accepting packages stuff with lb's.

So maybe you guys should only grow what your state wants or at least figure out a way to package it better so the receiver doesn't get popped.

Using the postal service to deliver your buds automatically turns your crime federal, so don't come crying when the DEA kicks your door in.

You guys were blessed with some of the best MJ laws in the world but you'll still find a way to fuck it up.


Registered Non-Conformist
Ok.... :biglaugh:

Most of the MJ busts I read about are idiots accepting packages stuff with lb's.

So maybe you guys should only grow what your state wants or at least figure out a way to package it better so the receiver doesn't get popped.

Using the postal service to deliver your buds automatically turns your crime federal, so don't come crying when the DEA kicks your door in.

You guys were blessed with some of the best MJ laws in the world but you'll still find a way to fuck it up.

Although I hate hearing it, cause I moved from a different State 20+ years ago, One could also echo the sentiment of many in Norcal that says, " 'carpet-baggers' stay away from CA, don;t move out here expecting to make a mint on MMJ.." Those days are gone.. Unfortunately. I relocated to Norcal Country a couple years before the market fell out.

When I arrived, things were still rolling nicely, for a few years, but all situations are in a state of flux..!

In my travels, I learned that many people think all one has to do is throw a few seeds in the ground, come back in 3 months, and collect your thousands.. I wish...

Consider that some of you have NO idea what it really takes to get it done these days in CA.. Please do us the favor of obtaining knowledge before spouting off.. It is not the same as it was even 5 years ago.

All this anti-CA sentiment.. I was in a Midwest MMJ state for a couple years and I can say that although the growers thought that they were the shizzle, the quality was quite poor in the dispensaries.. Although it will improve with time.

Truth is, most product in Norcal is pretty crappy, percentage wise, as some have said.. It;s true.. Most people are lazy, and almost all pull their plants too early. Same can be said about Amsterdam, and everywhere else.

Krunchbubble "Those who know don;t tell and those who tell, don;t know. !" Although I know that you know.. haha..
But, it's just not too nice to call other ICMAG'ers Pussies..
Please, consider why you need to carry the same angry and divisive energy in your writing.

It is not as MMJ friendly in CA, even in NorCal, as the papers tell you - with their considerable load of pot-a-ganda. Many (most) communities are anti-MMJ like Iowa..! Ignore HT mag making it sound like Shangri-La..!!

High Housing costs, equipment and nutes going up every day in cost, Low Medicine prices (and a glut of schwag) are making it almost impossible to continue to fight the good fight within the Medical MJ system. I admit that I am not paying attention to Indoor quality as much as I used to, except for my chosen head-stash plants.. It is not worth the trouble.. And I still retain my local Emerald Triangle reputation for the top 5% bud.. Outdoor Organic is easy and I always give that my best shot..!!! It's my preferred smoke.

If people want to ship stuff, let it be. I do not ship, but if Someone Elsewhere wants it, and has the money - they are at least 50% responsible for the transaction, right..? That is where people usually get in trouble 'round here, though. Interstate transactions.

Bottom line, (My Credo): Be a good neighbor and a good person. Do good deeds, stop bragging, try not to be an a**hole until Late August through October (cause ya have to be tough then), don;t buy that 40K monster truck with no job, have 5 dogs and 20 abandoned vehicles on the property, try not to be a nuisance, and no one will cause you problems..

Me: bored of the pissing contest from people who do not know the scene (and those Black Marketeers who profess to).


All this anti-CA sentiment.. When your schwag runs out, and you cant get good CA buds, grown well, you will be the one crying.



keep your cali beasters :moon:
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ICMag Donor
straight up i dont care, stop shipping that garbabge all over the country. i seen first hand what that outdoor crap does to local markets, especially in mmj states(ie michigan). recently lived out in cali for a year. the whole time my boys were asking me to hook em up with the "cheap cali bows". my answer everytime, "fuck no". now im back home theyre telling me the cali stuff has finally stopped flooding in and people are starting to not want it. id rather smoke beasters than most of the shit ive seen shipped in.

yall listen to mainstream rap lately? its no wonder theres a crazy crack down. every other verse is about smoking "cali buds" or just straight up talking about having pounds shipped in. jesus its no wonder theyre goinbg crazy on weed with the popularity of mainstream rap especially in the white communities..

ive seen what it does to the market on both sides, i do not support that shit. grow all the dank all pot you want, but when you start cutting corners and doing it strictly for the loot thats when shit like this happens...


Registered Non-Conformist
Cali Beasters..? haha, you are killing me.. ROFLMAO... Here come the Trolls.. haha, doesn;t take much. Won;t be checking this thread again..

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