76 million ppl will retire soon .......\Baby Boomers....
Given the economy many will still work....some will "disengage" because of their anger at having to work longer...
others will appreciate "not being put out to pasture" and have "Encore Careers"
There WILL BE a lot of angry workers INDEED! "not in the game"
most of the money in America is now in the boomers hands....already at this time....
and there will be a large number of angry workers "not in the game"
and there will be difficult times. Increasing generalized anxiety....and affect health...of older workers adversely...
uncertainty leads to chronic stress and results in serious health problems...
Right now we are faced with tremendous national and global uncertainty...
Employers should not make it worse with their greed....
they must do more with less increasing emphasis on use of resourses....and do more with less like we have to now....
Competition will lower prices....the baby boomers will keep stock market volitile...
their buying habits will hurt retail malls....already has.
less boomers will remarry and just cohabit....
these are a few of the things i am reading in store for us boomers.

Given the economy many will still work....some will "disengage" because of their anger at having to work longer...
others will appreciate "not being put out to pasture" and have "Encore Careers"
There WILL BE a lot of angry workers INDEED! "not in the game"
most of the money in America is now in the boomers hands....already at this time....
and there will be a large number of angry workers "not in the game"
and there will be difficult times. Increasing generalized anxiety....and affect health...of older workers adversely...
uncertainty leads to chronic stress and results in serious health problems...
Right now we are faced with tremendous national and global uncertainty...
Employers should not make it worse with their greed....
they must do more with less increasing emphasis on use of resourses....and do more with less like we have to now....
Competition will lower prices....the baby boomers will keep stock market volitile...
their buying habits will hurt retail malls....already has.
less boomers will remarry and just cohabit....
these are a few of the things i am reading in store for us boomers.