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Baby Boomer Predictions


Active member
76 million ppl will retire soon .......\Baby Boomers....
Given the economy many will still work....some will "disengage" because of their anger at having to work longer...
others will appreciate "not being put out to pasture" and have "Encore Careers"

There WILL BE a lot of angry workers INDEED! "not in the game"

most of the money in America is now in the boomers hands....already at this time....
and there will be a large number of angry workers "not in the game"
and there will be difficult times. Increasing generalized anxiety....and affect health...of older workers adversely...

uncertainty leads to chronic stress and results in serious health problems...

Right now we are faced with tremendous national and global uncertainty...

Employers should not make it worse with their greed....

they must do more with less increasing emphasis on use of resourses....and do more with less like we have to now....

Competition will lower prices....the baby boomers will keep stock market volitile...

their buying habits will hurt retail malls....already has.

less boomers will remarry and just cohabit....

these are a few of the things i am reading in store for us boomers.:1help::1help:


Active member
Nah I get all the meds I want as I am in the NIRVANA of retirement and live near the carribean where pot is plentiful and coming in daily and NO LONGER have to be PC to smart ass punks and don't have to smoke as much now that I have eliminated assholes out of my life....te he

Move along sonny boy!


People are always telling me to be positive. I AM. I'm positive things be screwed up.

FL's cool, except for the draconian mj laws. But the weather here is nice.


Active member
you must stay positive and have irrational hope to make it in these tough times...our family lost much in the declining stock market and we know it will come back stronger soon. Americans got a little spoiled and lethargic and let greedy bastards rape our country. But only I can make mysef happy....but i have learned how to do it. within myself...

but i remain optimistic and count my true blessings daily.

But Florida is quite beautiful yet decadent and I would leave if it would not traumatise my family who depend on me .....and my family right now need help with their children here,,,,,but some of the sunrises and sunsets here are quite spectacular. But it is PLASTIC and I don't do well with people who are not real like most here. seem to be.

But i am an old lady who does agree on the draconian laws of the whole south. But yankees run this place,,,,,George Stienbrenner is watering the lawns of his mansion here daily and we are running out of water to drink currently and on severe water restrictions...,,,,to many rich and greedy yanks have invaded here.

but thanks for being respectful as the guy above you ain't to happy and wishes to spread his misery and we must empathise with his personal pain.

putrid retch

New member
So, madrecinco....does that mean you're the '5th mother'? Or you've had 5 different mothers? Did they invent anything?


Active member
So, madrecinco....does that mean you're the '5th mother'? Or you've had 5 different mothers? Did they invent anything?

No it means I gave birth to 5 children. cinco OR cinq in french!!! The mother of five. My greatest invention or rather production is my children and grandchildren. Nothing else was as important or more loved than those 5 children....and 7 grandkids. not a bad lifetime work overall.

Only a mother understands a mothers love. Men just don't quite get that fact though. But I think you are just bored and stoned at the moment...

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