Smoke Buddy
Hey Ya IC Maggers, animal lovers especially, I wanted to share what happened this week in my back yard.
It was about 105 degrees here a few days ago. Apparently the Bee Martens had their nest a little too exposed to the direct afternoon sun cause one of the little ones jumped out at about 7:00pm and was laying on the ground about dead...
That is just so hard to ignore so I put him/her in a small bowl on top of damp paper towels in the shade. Then I dug up some worms and chopped em up. Got a srynge and put in the worms. That little bugger didnt want to open the mouth but with some gentle pressure on the side he opened wide... Yeah! OK down the throat..,. Then I repeated with half a srynge of cool water. Well, half hour later he was chirping and looking good....
I figured it would be best to put him back in the nest so I got out the big ladder and put him back... well a half hour later he was back on the gound... aw shit... now what??? OK so I said hell Im a try again. So I gently place him on the edge of the nest and lo and behold I musta scared the shit out of the others cause now they all jump out and are hopping around on the ground, obviously before they are ready... Damn! Oh Shit! What to do?"??
OK, so I decide I am the cause of all this additional crisis so I get a box and put them in... Im just beside myself at that point feeling like a dumb ass for getting involved where Mother nature rules... but that little bird needed a friend... Now Im responsible for the whole family and there are 4. The parents are pissed by the way... naturally. chirping expletives my way non stop.
So I decide rather than taking the box in the house Ill leave it outside so the babies wont experience big temp changes to the AC inside. Cant just leave it on the ground they definitely would be dinner for some critter or other so I decide to put the box in a tree near their original nest. Here:
My plan was to call wildlife rescue, and get the birds to them to raise in the morning. I was so happy to see that the next morning, the parents were bringing bugs in every 3 to 5 minutes just like normal... they are jumping down in the box feeding and leaving. Yeah! So happy they took over. I had always heard once a baby bird is touched by a human the parents wont feed... wrong in this case thank God.
So I figure they are near ready. They cannot jump out of the box its just too tall so they will have to fly out.. Cool.
here they are:
Im so glad they are gonna be OK.

It was about 105 degrees here a few days ago. Apparently the Bee Martens had their nest a little too exposed to the direct afternoon sun cause one of the little ones jumped out at about 7:00pm and was laying on the ground about dead...
That is just so hard to ignore so I put him/her in a small bowl on top of damp paper towels in the shade. Then I dug up some worms and chopped em up. Got a srynge and put in the worms. That little bugger didnt want to open the mouth but with some gentle pressure on the side he opened wide... Yeah! OK down the throat..,. Then I repeated with half a srynge of cool water. Well, half hour later he was chirping and looking good....
I figured it would be best to put him back in the nest so I got out the big ladder and put him back... well a half hour later he was back on the gound... aw shit... now what??? OK so I said hell Im a try again. So I gently place him on the edge of the nest and lo and behold I musta scared the shit out of the others cause now they all jump out and are hopping around on the ground, obviously before they are ready... Damn! Oh Shit! What to do?"??
OK, so I decide I am the cause of all this additional crisis so I get a box and put them in... Im just beside myself at that point feeling like a dumb ass for getting involved where Mother nature rules... but that little bird needed a friend... Now Im responsible for the whole family and there are 4. The parents are pissed by the way... naturally. chirping expletives my way non stop.
So I decide rather than taking the box in the house Ill leave it outside so the babies wont experience big temp changes to the AC inside. Cant just leave it on the ground they definitely would be dinner for some critter or other so I decide to put the box in a tree near their original nest. Here:
My plan was to call wildlife rescue, and get the birds to them to raise in the morning. I was so happy to see that the next morning, the parents were bringing bugs in every 3 to 5 minutes just like normal... they are jumping down in the box feeding and leaving. Yeah! So happy they took over. I had always heard once a baby bird is touched by a human the parents wont feed... wrong in this case thank God.
So I figure they are near ready. They cannot jump out of the box its just too tall so they will have to fly out.. Cool.
here they are:
Im so glad they are gonna be OK.