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[B]Twins - 1 seed = 2 seedlings[/B]


New member
Hello ¬

i have grown for many years - i am 35 years old - my first seed was planted at 15 years of age !

i started 10 blueberry seeds - (jordon of the islands)

1 has made twins - i never did see this event in 20 years of growing :ying:

1 seedling looks weeker - l hope it makes it ¬ so far i have 11 out of 10 ?

What do you experts make of this ?

Anyone ever heard of such claims - ?

Thank you



Active member

I recently sowed three northern lights seeds to make up my numbers and had two sets of twins,,still waiting for third to germinate


Have read about and seen this a lot and the people who its happened to have always split them up as they will both die if left together, but if split then survival rates for both of them go up. You have done the right thing.


Active member
Have read about and seen this a lot and the people who its happened to have always split them up as they will both die if left together, but if split then survival rates for both of them go up. You have done the right thing.
i threw away the smallest seedling...
I think if left they could grow together,,,
maybe not as well but I always remove the weakest anyway...