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B.T. chronicle

B.T. Herb

if nobody sees it, it didn't happened.(cit.)

long story short... a statement that could be the considered the leit-motive of whatever would affirm its presence
in the same way as what would like to hide itself too. singularity.in the way we use it.
how bizarre and multiple could be at least what is summarized into a nominal unit.
in this case, out of freaky toughs, my singularity stands in a bunch of rounded form analogue objects called seeds and i bet nobody have yet understand that i'm just going to throw some batches and open a thread. Lol.
so long since i've posted last shot on web and... while waiting a generous shipment from OA i've broken in with those lil bastards looking for a family.
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some dull seeds, in fact.taken from past seasons, they are actually socking in a love potion trying to get the right fever to emerge.let's call it a sort of germination test. won't boring you all so just as a chronicle...here you a brief list and a short legenda of the bastards:

g13hZ comes from an OG fella :tiphat:.F2 obtained by Soma's gear in the past 2009, if i'm correct. or 2010. anyway, at least good old stuff that i would call leather pheno, deeply leather with slight gassi.a nice cut obtained out of four seeds popped in 2020. good shot

S7 is nothing more than a Fighting buddah F2, obtained from an exellent pheno as well during 2010. Chimera himself while smoking it has renewed it as the Cut. . a true pearl for hash lovers.
ASA stands for (G13amnesia haze f2XSour boggle)g13amnesiahaze f3 . amnesia comes from Soma's f2 as well. same fella. i got F3 and F4 down by a G13 main leading side.

DD1 is a lanky, branched unstable hybrid obtained by crossing bogglegum with a freaky sourboggle in the 2010 . just some seed to throw.
nothing really special but my curiosity ...
HKAh#13 is a HinduKush (f1sensi seeds)Xg13 amnesia haze f3

where S8 is just a different Fighting buddah pheno obtained by same mum in the 2010.

so i'm just Going back to the drawing board
... trying comparing apples to orange:biggrin:

more 's coming

all the best
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B.T. Herb

a fast step forward:
seeds have been placed in canna coco under three T8-14.5watt led 6500k.
the heating mat is an option for possibly cold nights. the lows are dropping sharply and the tent sits in an unheated open room.in a preliminary test I felt the medium as a bit too hot during the day time so...

all sprayed with a light solution made of
2ml/lt. bioroots
1ml/lt. cannazym
0.5 ml/lt. The missing link
50 μs grow thechnology silicon
100μs grow technology Cal-mag
100μs of pk 13-14
a Ph drop to set it down
and voilà

Ec 43.5
ph 5.5
I hope some English native speakers don't resent the units of measurement. BTW:
suitable stuff for popping seeds

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B.T. Herb

Nobody seems to like the lifeboat.LOL


but we Hang in there... any scream will get lost
hoping Charlie’s gonna focus on the rhythm:biggrin:

early morning and thirty-six hours already spent in coconut.
for the night the mat was activated after adding more perlite to the bottom, so as to prevent more heat concentration at the base of the seedbed

Overestimating the freshness of the seeds, I would have expected some immediate germination. We’ll have to wait a little longer.
among the series of infinite possibilities which follow one another, it is possible to record that among all... the seeds which seem to show the greatest germination vigor are the least expected.
and in honor of the leit-motive overture a short documentary proof:


Colin Gordon Crim HIst page 008

and S#7xASA

... coming soon...



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B.T. Herb

new day.
the plain rises from the night storm and it seems that rain has presided over the birth.
good and bad news on the life path of my seedling

DD#1xHKAH#13 germ. rate: 6/7. one still left
Click image for larger version  Name:	20210927_065820.jpg Views:	0 Size:	131.8 KB ID:	17952888

S#7xASA germ. rate:11/12
Click image for larger version  Name:	20210927_065825.jpg Views:	0 Size:	131.1 KB ID:	17952889

G13HZXAsa germ. rate: 6/6
Click image for larger version  Name:	20210927_065812.jpg Views:	0 Size:	97.8 KB ID:	17952890

haven't sign the sixth seed on photo but is just popping on the middle-left of the seedbed

Finally some hitches.
Cross has already shown some problems in terms of germination and low percentage of females.
The numbers are few, after all: they have been sown just over about twenty seeds of two different mothers of the same group of FB F2, crossed with the same F3 F3 of G13AH.
Few but clear, in any case.
we'll see. three of them are emerging so no germ. rate at the moment
Click image for larger version  Name:	20210927_065812.jpg Views:	0 Size:	97.8 KB ID:	17952890

B.T. Herb

the germination can be said to be finished. got just five S7xG13AH although the remaining are still in coconut due to a possible late germination.

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B.T. Herb

editing 10/03/
The very first transplant was in 09/27.
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and the results:

so down here,despite thje picture, 5/12 S#8xAH13(f3). rate: 5/12
Click image for larger version  Name:	trapianto semina.jpg Views:	0 Size:	64.0 KB ID:	17957795

G13HZxASA rate: 6/6 on the left

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DD#1xHKAH#13 rate:6/7 on the right side and in that one small black one

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and a seed in the small vessel on the left hand will test my patience
while the one in the black pot has required something more accommodating for its prominent long root:rtfo:. sure a male.LOL

and here on the left 11/12 of S#7xASA germ. rate:11/12

20190117 112637



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B.T. Herb


while waiting to be potted

babies got 'hem slight feed made of:

2 ml/lt bioroots
1ml/lt cannazym
0.5 ml/lt Tml
50 μs silicon Grow tech.
100μs pk13/14 atami
150 μs cal-mag growtech (that contains N in a good amount)

ph 5.7

a brief wiev:
here S#7xG13AH (f3)
fa pre repot..jpg

G13HZxASA on thew left and DD#1xHKAH#13 (5+1 potted due to his long root)
ghasa&ddheka pre pot.jpg

and S#7xASA

fas prepot.jpg

the elongation due to the slight light source and the jar too small call for an immediate transfer.
consideration :

just something remarkable in the stunted and difficult growth of the DD#1xHKAH#13. does not surprise me.
Similarly, the plurality of shapes already from the first group of leaves seems to suggest that we are talking about a POLY-BULLSHIT. Lol
the recent memory of the mother of first cross, a Sensi seeds HK rather sensitive to Mg and Cal, suggests something in the approach to this bud on the upprside
the bottom one on the contrary struggles to expel the first pair of leaves

ddehka hk ph..jpg
ddheka hk ph.jpg


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B.T. Herb

Saturday 02

elongation shall reduce itself...




more or less we shoot them all:biglaugh:
a 70/30 coco/perlite blend for 1.4 lt. pot fertilised with a 20 ml dose.
irrigation lashes will meet the need to keep the coconut as light as possible at the beginning.
a first alternation of 5ml/20ml during the very first day of transplantation followed by an average of 20ml
nutes are made by:

2ml/lt. bioroots
1ml/lt. cannazym
0.5 ml/lt. The missing link
50 μs grow thechnology silicon
100μs of pk 13-14
150μs grow technology Cal-mag
730μs A/B Canna Coco

ph 5.7

all have been transferred to a 600w MH

B.T. Herb

mod's help required, please.
every day after, back to this page, all shots uploaded are simply gone. it costs time to me replacing them all and i definetly have no free time.

I await the kind appearance of a mod


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
I can see the pictures just fine.. If that is what you mean?

Good luck with the grow! :)

B.T. Herb

Thank you BadTicket,thanks for the interest.
the post of october 3rd doesn't appear complete with the inserted photos. it had already happened for the previous one yet and I had bothered to fix it... anyway: let's try again!
also seems that I am late with the deadlines
Yeah...the deadlines:
a roundup of photos
photos taken on october 9th

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photos taken on october 12th
same cut

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1.4 lt pot:
1/3 perlite 2/3 coco

2ml/lt. bioroots
1ml/lt. cannazym
0.5 ml/lt. The missing link
100 μs grow thechnology silicon
100μs grow technology Cal-mag
810μs A/B Canna Coco became 90μs just today
0.2 ml amminos Advanced hydroponics of Holland

ph between 5.7 and 5.8
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B.T. Herb

here we go with FAS.
for the moment i'm treating all with the same amount of nutes listed above, although supervision remains daily

photos taken on october 9th

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Click image for larger version  Name:	20211009_145904.jpg Views:	1 Size:	85.8 KB ID:	17964653

I will soon achieve a single shot for each, with hps switched off
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