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Azamax soil drench in flowering


I have a minor thrip breakout. Just got a bottle of azamax, never used it before.

Questions are:

1. Can I use Azamax as a root drench in week 3/4 of flower? its a 9 week strain

2. What would the application rate be? I have read everything from 1ml/gallon to 10ml/gallon

3. What is a mild foliar application strength?

I cannot seem to find any straight answers regarding this product.



I keep reading 5ml to a gallon for drench, and same for foliar? can this be right?

I don't think I will mess with the plants in flower as I am too unsure about this product and the result it may have on my bud....

although the flowers have just started to bloom, in middle of week 3. I don't wanna mess with them.

Mothers however are getting the full treatment. soil drench and foliar.

apllication rates for mother plants ? drench and foliar?



Active member
For Thrips, use Spinosad foliar and soil drench. Should get you thru harvest. Check Thrips Sticky. -granger


For Thrips, use Spinosad foliar and soil drench. Should get you thru harvest. Check Thrips Sticky. -granger

im in Canada. Cannot buy locally, I have some getting shipped but will be a while.

looking for help on specifically azamax, as I know its an effective systematic for thrips.

thx though :)


Don't use it as a foliar in week 3/4 in flower, whatever you spray on the buds will most likely remain in/on them! 5 ml as a soil drench is on the low end & 15 ml is on the higher end...there should be a small booklet attached to the bottle that gives directions.


Don't use it as a foliar in week 3/4 in flower, whatever you spray on the buds will most likely remain in/on them! 5 ml as a soil drench is on the low end & 15 ml is on the higher end...there should be a small booklet attached to the bottle that gives directions.

perfect thx,

Im not spraying on flowering plants, after much research. starting week 4 in soon...

Only using 5ml a gallon for soil drench for now, on mother plants.

What would be a good foliar application rate for vegging plants?

thx for the help


I just did the azamax drench. 5ml a gallon.

plus a Pyrethrin fogger

moms got their asses kicked. I felt like a scientist with the respirator and gloves and my green light ear attachment, lol

plants in flower got bottoms trimmed, lower leaves and larger fan leaves sprayed with a pyrethrin based insecticide, being very careful not to spray on bud sites (currently just pistils) and soil and pots sprayed.

thats about all I can do for now. going to keep up the azamax drenches for the moms, and drench all next round plants when I pot them for 1 week of veg before starting flower.

what would be a good ML amount per gallon for foliar application?


aka "Doc"
Perhaps knowing there will be a "spike" of Azadirachtin about 10 days (Figure 1) after treatment might come in handy (expect a 25.7 day half-life for soil applications...Figure 2). My post from a different thread (if neem seed meal influences the taste of cannabis):

Let me toss this out--

Of the many components/compounds in neem, if we examine the uptake and fate of Azadirachtin...specifically the residue on roots, leaves and stems at different time intervals after application in soil, we get a very interesting story.



Abstract from the study that accompanies the above charts--

"A commercial neem formulation containing azadirachtin-A (AZ-A) was applied to the soil around the root system of potted aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) plants. The uptake, translocation, persistence and dissipation of the chemical in the plants were studied. The effect of foliar residues of AZ-A on two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch) populations was also evaluated. The compound was taken up by the root system within 3 h and translocated in the stem and foliage within 3 days, confirming that AZ-A is systemic. The peak concentrations (μg/g, fresh weight) of AZ-A occurred at 10 days post-treatment, and were distributed in roots, stem and foliage in the ratio of 8.1:1.0:2.3, respectively. The rate of dissipation of AZ-A from the matrices was moderately rapid, and the residual concentrations on the last day of sampling (50 days post-treatment) in roots, stem and foliage were in the ratio 2.7:1.0:1.2, respectively. Control of mites by AZ-A residues in foliage was statistically significant, and the bioactivity declined within 30 days. The final residue of AZ-A in the soil after 50 days was about 25% of the initial value, with a half-life of dissipation of about 26 days."

Source: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/026121949500026I

This study used a wettable powder form of Azadirachtin--I wonder what the numbers would be if Neem was applied routinely (root and/or foliar spray) and/or continuously (soil amendment).

A study I would love to see is what effect do neem components have on cannabis? After all, there is more than just "Azadirachtin"--

"The main limonoid that it contains is azadirachtin but it also contains azadiradione, fraxinellone, nimbin, salannin, salannol, vepinin, vilasinin, etc. There are three other active constituents in the oil - nimbin, nimbidin and nimbinene plus bitter principles, tannins, flavonoids and sesquiterpene derivatives."

Go to this link to request a copy of the study-- https://cfs.nrcan.gc.ca/publications/email-pdf/22507?ref=L3B1YmxpY2F0aW9ucz9pZD0yMjUwNw== The Canadian Forest Service will email a pdf version at no cost.

Uptake, translocation, persistence and fate of azadirachtin in aspen plants (Populus tremuloides Michx.) and its effect on pestiferous two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch). 1995. Sundaram, K.M.S.; Campbell, R.A.; Sloane, L.; Studens, J.A. Crop Protection 14(5): 415-421.


perfect thx,

Im not spraying on flowering plants, after much research. starting week 4 in soon...

Only using 5ml a gallon for soil drench for now, on mother plants.

What would be a good foliar application rate for vegging plants?

thx for the help

Without double checking the booklet that came attached to my Azamax, 5 ml per gallon for foliar sounds correct....that's what I've used in the past in conjunction with the soil drench at between 7.5-15ml per gallon.

Using different products (as long as they're applied in the correct amounts, at the right time) is beneficial because many pests will quickly build a tolerance or resistance to a single product.

Also, re-applying every 5-7 days is important to break the life cycle.
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Without double checking the booklet that came attached to my Azamax, 5 ml per gallon for foliar sounds correct....that's what I've used in the past in conjunction with the soil drench at between 7.5-15ml per gallon.

Using different products (as long as they're applied in the correct amounts, at the right time) is beneficial because many pests will quickly build a tolerance or resistance to a single product.

Also, re-applying every 5-7 days is important to break the life cycle.

thx for the info... I am learning right now about switching insecticides... love what I love but time to switch, lol

I always thought the foliar dilution rate should be higher than root rates, but I'm prolly trippin.

Would you suggest root drenching again in 5-7 or waiting the 30 days for the half life to, well, be half.

the Pyrethrin bomb seemed to really fuck my moms up... brown and copper discolouration ... gunna let em relax for a week... maybe some mellow end all to mess with the bugs...

glad my mommy's are fully azamax and can start the systemic journey to cleanliness


The foliar should be more diluted around 5 ml / gal & soil drench between 5-15+ ml / gal. I don't think you'll have to soil drench again in 5-7 since you already did both the drench & foliar (& bomb?)....although, since you went light at 5ml/gal you may want to keep a close eye on the situation (even using a 40-80x scope if need be) & give as needed. I've used Azamax late into flowering (albeit as a last resort) & with a good flush you'll be fine!

Also, not sure if this applies to you, but when applying as a foliar I would apply as the lights shut off & either foliar with straight water again right before the lights come on &/or raise the lights 6"+....The lights can cause a bad reaction (depending on their strength & proximity to the canopy) & burn the leaves.


The foliar should be more diluted around 5 ml / gal & soil drench between 5-15+ ml / gal. I don't think you'll have to soil drench again in 5-7 since you already did both the drench & foliar (& bomb?)....although, since you went light at 5ml/gal you may want to keep a close eye on the situation (even using a 40-80x scope if need be) & give as needed. I've used Azamax late into flowering (albeit as a last resort) & with a good flush you'll be fine!

Also, not sure if this applies to you, but when applying as a foliar I would apply as the lights shut off & either foliar with straight water again right before the lights come on &/or raise the lights 6"+....The lights can cause a bad reaction (depending on their strength & proximity to the canopy) & burn the leaves.

I only root drenched, and bombed... no azamax foliar... i didn't want to waste it and wanted a stronger hitting pesticide .

Im thinking maybe another root drench in 14 days or so... I'm gearing up the moms for clone takin time so they need to be clean.

the pyrethrin fogger seemed to fuck em up a little... brown/copper blotches... hmmm. probably too small space for a fogger... there cannot be a bug in there though... its like a nuclear bomb went off
The foliar should be more diluted around 5 ml / gal & soil drench between 5-15+ ml / gal. I don't think you'll have to soil drench again in 5-7 since you already did both the drench & foliar (& bomb?)....although, since you went light at 5ml/gal you may want to keep a close eye on the situation (even using a 40-80x scope if need be) & give as needed. I've used Azamax late into flowering (albeit as a last resort) & with a good flush you'll be fine!

Also, not sure if this applies to you, but when applying as a foliar I would apply as the lights shut off & either foliar with straight water again right before the lights come on &/or raise the lights 6"+....The lights can cause a bad reaction (depending on their strength & proximity to the canopy) & burn the leaves.
So you did a foliar spray or a soil drench late in flower? With azamax? I'm fighting mites in week 3 of flower and I need to get rid of them quick. I haven't treated the soil yet Im gonna do that tonight. I didn't realize the mites lay eggs in the soil I thought they layer eggs on the leaves. I've done a few foliars of azamax and a bunch of iso sprays but still they persist. I didn't wanna do azmax on the buds again. But I probably will. I'm hoping the additional dietematios earth to the soil along with a soil drench or two will knock out the problem. I'm hoping to be able to knock these out a couple weeks before harvest so I can just flush and then do a budwash.
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Well-known member
>>>Best>ibes :huggg:


General Hydroponics AzaMax, Gallon
AzaMax is a natural product with a broad spectrum of pest control. It contains Azadirachtin A & B as active ingredients and more than 100 limonoids. AzaMax does not use hard chemical solvents and fully uses food-grade formulation ingredients. It is an antifeedant and insect growth regulator that controls pests through starvation and growth disruption. Effectively controls spider mites, thrips, fungus gnats, aphids, whiteflies, leaf miners, worms, beetles, leafhoppers, scales, mealy bugs, nematodes and other soil-borne pests. Mix a tablespoon per gallon. Can be applied up to the time or day of harvest. OMRI Listed for use in organic production.
Directions for use: For the most effective control, apply when pests are expected to appear or as soon as possible after they appear and are in immature stages.
Foliar Application: Mix 1 to 2 oz. per gallon of water depending on pest levels. Spray at an interval of 7-10 days or as the situation warrants.
Soil Drench: Mix 1/2 to 1 oz. per gallon of water and apply every 10-14 days. With high insect pressure, make applications every 5-6 days.


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