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AZ a joke for MMJ


New member
I just took a trip out to AZ to find out about how the MMJ industry is ran.

Ha....Only the rich can afford to open a dispensary and by the time they are all in place, a private citizen is not going to be able to produce their own medicine because of some ludicrous 25 mile rule.

This is a ploy for the corporations to take over the states MMJ industry.

155,000$ is the initial start up of a dispensary in AZ. Also, the dispensaries are not limited on the amount they can produce.
If they get their product from a local grower(if they can find one) they are not able to compensate the grower for his product.

"Sure here ya go, here's 10lbs of my finest cheeba....what's that? Money? Nah, you can just have it" Ya right!

The dispensaries that are being opened, such as Bloom, are owned by peeps outta colorado. If that doesn't burn ur ass, i dont know what would.

Plus, not to mention, the meds I had from bloom were artificially flavored and really reminded me of low quality beasters. Fuck all that.

I would much rather keep MMJ illegal than to have it molested by the corporations. Fuck you corporate amerika!!!!

MF Grimm

Yeah, they can't pay you for the meds, but I would be damn sure charging them a $30,000 consultation fee for services rendered.

You just have to know the law and how to play with it.


Rubbing my glands together
They are about to fuck it up on Nevada too. Once a dispensary in your AREA you can't grow your own.25 mile rule be damned. We don't need no stinking 25 mile rule. Bastards!!

joe guy

25mile rule? Local growers? Kinda sounds oxymoron to me fuck I won't drive 15 miles
For a dispo. That shit is nuts we can't grow with in certain radius but fuck you can have guns
On you what the fuck is this place thinking? That's nuts I say lets either go fully legal or back to the black market where we can get 6 gs a elbow.. Fuckn bull shit..
And I'm not even in AZ... Sorry guys that's bs
Its a joke my uncle had to close shop because of the 25 mile rule. Now the dispensary he has to go to has shit and it does absolutely nothing for him. Its very low quality, and they dont even have edibles which he needs because of the cancer in his voice box and back of his mouth. He used to be able to grow a plant and make something he could eat. To do that buying from the dispensary to make edibles would be outrageously expensive....

paper thorn

Active member
the the 25 mile thing we voted for, so we're stuck with it.

I worked with a very small collective, completely legal, no sales, just everyone getting their meds for contributing in the grow by buying a filter or working the grow. Now we're shut down and get by with a few still legal growers sharing with us.
The dispensary has good smoke, at least the one I tried. Well, except for the Powdery Mildew taste.:biggrin:

I hit up the owner to grow for them, but they don't have a cultivation center and said they could buy from some dispensaries in Tucson and Phoenix that do have cultivation centers.

Which means that they were not buying from those places yet. They're having their stock 'donated' to them from their quasi-legal club grow!

Another dispensary I hit up to grow for pays 12 an hour.:tumbleweed:

Anybody getting sigs for the leaglization proposition. Go to saferaz.org? i think. Would be a great law if it passes.

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