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Unread 01-28-2017, 01:30 PM
Moonshine17 Moonshine17 is online now
Join Date: Jan 2017
Location: NE Florida
Posts: 1
Moonshine17 is on a distinguished road
What type of soil mix did you use? I live in ne Florida and I'm wondering if the seedlings would be ok outside in 3 gal pots with about 5 hours of direct sun, if I move them around in the yard. The highs are a60's-70 and the lows are 40s-50s. I would bring them in on the nights / days on the nights below 58. Thanks for any responses
Unread 01-28-2017, 01:30 PM
Moonshine17 Moonshine17 is online now
Join Date: Jan 2017
Location: NE Florida
Posts: 1
Moonshine17 is on a distinguished road
What type of soil mix did you use? I live in ne Florida and I'm wondering if the seedlings would be ok outside in 3 gal pots with about 5 hours of direct sun, if I move them around in the yard. The highs are a60's-70 and the lows are 40s-50s. I would bring them in on the nights / days on the nights below 58. Thanks for any responses