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auto Grea White Shark and Diesel Ryder seed run


New member
This is my first indoor grow(2 bagseed plants outside last year) and I want to do a seed run with some Lowlife Great White Shark and Joint Doctor Diesel Ryder. I am growing them in a little grow box inside a file cabinet. The area is 11.5"x10.5" and there is about 15" of grow height from the top of the container to the saran wrap just under the lights. The saran wrap is part division between the to sides of the box so that the pollen from each strain only hits the buds of that same strain. They are being grown in aluminum guinness cans with the top cut of(approx .4 liters) so they deffinately wont need anything more than 15". I have the technaflora Grow Boost and Bloom nutrients and have fed my seedlings twice with about half of the minum dosage on the bottle. Most of them are now very dark green and almost dark bluish. I deffinately wont feed them for a while. Being the newb that I am, I started the seeds under all four flourecent bulbs(26 watts 6500K totaling 7000 lumens) and burned the hell out of them. Is 89 degrees F going to be to hot for them once they are mature? I have one exhaust fan(4.5 inch 85 CFM 12V with only 6V power source to cut down on noise) but it doesn't do much since its in a file cainet with just a few tiny holes above the fan for exhaust and a small smace in front for intake from the room which is just for the light chamber(separated from the growth chamber by the saran wrap). I Started 16 seeds(8 and 8) in 1.5 inch rock wool cubes and lost half of them. Also, I wasn't paying attention when I was putting the seeds in the rockwool cubes so I didn't label them and have no idea how many of each strain I lost. I should be able to tell them apart by the time they show preflowers. I also started germinating the last two diesel ryders and great white sharks in paper towls and then rock wool cubes. THe diesel ryders both germed already but neither of the great white sharks have. I now have them under just two of the flourecent bulbs and the temp is around 76 degrees Fwith lights on 24/7. I hope to get pics up soon.

I would like to get atleast 150 seeds of each strain. If im understaing the seeding process right, the males relase the pollen a little before the pistils form and get sticky, then I brush the pollen on the pistils. After I do this, is it two weeks until the seeds mature and can be harvested, or just two weeks until the seeds start to form and the seeds aren't mature until normal harvest. I think i have heard both. Also, how dry should I get the buds before I take the seeds out? Can I gem those seeds right away?

ANy advice or comments welcome


I don't think you'll be able to tell them apart so easily. When you grow them small, they can harder to differentiate. But you're still doing a seed run, which is good.

The space is small... wicked small. It would be difficult to fit five plants in such a space, even if kept small. The males will stretch to the lights for sure.

If you have them in such a small space, don't worry, they'll be able to pollinate themselves, just give them a shake in the space, that will be all it takes. It will take a month before the seeds are good. Five or six weeks is even better, but as the seeds mature, and the bracts around them start to brown and senesce, small plants in such a small space are prone to mildew and molds.

I never got a great bunch of germination right after seeds were harvested, but one week, or even a month later, they all would sprout.


New member
thanks for the info.
I only plan on having one male from each strain and a few females so there should be about 5 or 6 plants total if im luck when flowering begins. Also, if I just let my best male pollinate whatever females I have, How do you think a cross between auto great white shark and diesel ryder would turn out? The seeds from these plants are for an outdoor grow this summer. I will be using an anyhydrous salt used for dehydration in a chemisrty lab to help with the mould issue. Also, how many seeds could I realistically expect from the amount of space I have?

I would like to get atleast 150 seeds of each strain. If im understaing the seeding process right, the males relase the pollen a little before the pistils form and get sticky, then I brush the pollen on the pistils. After I do this, is it two weeks until the seeds mature and can be harvested, or just two weeks until the seeds start to form and the seeds aren't mature until normal harvest. I think i have heard both. Also, how dry should I get the buds before I take the seeds out? Can I gem those seeds right away?

ANy advice or comments welcome

Alot of confusion in one paragraph.

It's quite simple really. When the male starts to develop pollen sacks you can seperate him to another location and put him over a glass or mirror to collect some pollen. Then when the female has thrown a good number of white pistols out(the more pistols the more seeds) you can go ahead and get a paintbrush or whatever and dip it in some pollen, then paint onto some of the pistols. I found seeds take about 4 weeks to mature, give or take. You can take seeds off of the plant before its even dryed. But its easier to wait until its all dried then just start de-seeding. Yes you can germ those seeds right away. Also expect a few hundred seeds per plant depending on how heavily pollenated it is.

I love to hear, "Expect a few hundred seeds" - I have not harvested my first seed run, and I am hoping for a high number of seeds in my pollinated plants

As for the cross between those two, I AM SURE IT WILL BE AWESOME! They all mix well, take some traits from one, some from the other, and you have an awesome strain in the f1.



Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
sorry for the hijack (and best of luck with your seed run :smile)

I have a question... once a female is pollenated, is there any risk of pollen coming off it and pollenating other plants?

Just let it ahng out with the pollen on it for a while wherever that is, and then spray it down with water and it will kill any left over pollen. I usually leave it for the night or like around 12-18 hours before spraying it and returning it to flower room
