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  • Seeds Mafia is running a TURBO contest with great prizes! You can check it here.



ICMag Donor
Never give the locations of your finds over an open forum, please...

There is inherent security risk when involved in artifact collecting activities without a permit. It's a bit ridiculous, IMO, but it is what it is. A doctor committed suicide over being snitched on about having a large artifact collection in SW USA and being "busted" even thought doc owned the collection for many many years. There were around 27 people implicated in this sweep and only one had the balls to stand against the charges... Fortunately for him, the charges were dropped because he kept his mouth shut. Everybody else got 2-5 years federal probation because they, more or less, ratted themselves out.

Lesson learned...
When dealing with law enforcement, keep your words to yourself. You are not required to speak about anything to any officer of any jurisdiction whatsoever. (5th Amendment Right)


Well-known member
would love to know more of the history of the original people who once lived here.

I wish more people knew the histories of indigenous tribes. my local faves, the Cherokee, were among the most advanced/civilized there were. they lived in log cabins, not tipis. they both farmed & hunted, & mostly lived in good-sized communities. none of which helped protect them from the wrath of the US govt when white settlers wanted their land...


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Graded my driveway a couple days ago then had a hard rain the night before last. Yesterday I took a walk down it's length and found a beautiful large grooved ax head, a nicely polished celt and several whole and busted points/knives. Ill post a pic. when I get a little more time.


Indicas make dreams happen
We were metal detecting in my girls back yard and dug up an arrowhead. It's interesting because there is a creek that runs through her yard that is a frequent travel corridor for deer and other animals. I wouldn't be surprised if it was back at the time it was deposited too. I think finding these sorts of things and the history behind them is so fascinating.


Well-known member
Sadly the hobby has become the archeological nightmare of the modern world. It's the diggers and the meth-heads that are purely reckless. The first will dig graves like sociopaths to get to the artifacts illegally so even though they are aware of the Native American Grave and Repatriation act. Then there's the meth-heads running the night while high in search of the projectile points for the next fix. Sadly everything that is touched by the untrained eyes and not documented in the grid work is another lost piece of the past with little to no archeological gains from the pieces scattered throughout the world for the dollar.

I probably would guess that I have a few thousand points even though I stopped counting long before I had over a thousand. I am just a keeper, and eventually these will be left with my tribes and the cultural heritage centers.

El Timbo

Well-known member
I have a small collection of pieces of Roman pottery that I have found in the sea near an old Roman settlement. Makes scuba diving more interesting...


New member
Oooh, leaving a reply to remind myself to come back and post pics of my stash... love finding and collecting arrowheads