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arrhythmia And thc


Well-known member
I’ve been having health issues over a year now and discovered I have arrhythmia. Not sure this is the root cause or incidental finding. Any rate, I’ve found some articles on thc and cardio, specifically that thc can cause arrhythmia. A bit scary. Anyone have knowledge about this topic?


Active member
I’ve been having health issues over a year now and discovered I have arrhythmia. Not sure this is the root cause or incidental finding. Any rate, I’ve found some articles on thc and cardio, specifically that thc can cause arrhythmia. A bit scary. Anyone have knowledge about this topic?

Does it seem to be strain specific?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I don't have an specific knowledge on THC and arrythmia but I do have heat disease, had one heart attack which prompted a double by pass about 30 years ago and more recently (6 years ago) I had a stent placed in one of my arteries. In spite of that I continued to smoke cannabis and suffered no ill effects and ever since I had my heart surgery I get regular, stress tests, echocardiograms and ekgs and nothing out of the ordinary has ever turned up related to my smoking cannabis. There is a strong genetic factor for heart related problems in my family and several family members developed irregular heart beats as they got older and eventually this led to valve replacements and none of them were using cannabis. In discussing my family's history with my cardiologist I've learned that irregular heartbeats are quite common especially in people above the age of 50 and there is all sorts of things that can cause this. My cardiologist believes the biggest factor in society is poor, diet, poor or no exercise routine and stress. Of course all of that is anecdotal though. Over the years I've seen so many "studies" and articles trying to make connections between cannabis and serious health issues such that I've become very skeptical and think that most if not all of it is people trying to keep the negative stereotypes against cannabis going. If you're genuinely concerned the best person to be asking for more info from should be your cardiologist.


Well-known member
Thanks yes I’ve asked so many specialists, including three cardiologists. The knowledge does not seem to be mainstream, yet. Your post is encouraging at least and I was hoping for something along these lines. I don’t fit into the stereotype medical professionals try to explain things by. I’m not overweight, not poor, and up until fairly recently I was a gym rat. If anyone has interest this article talks some about this topic. It is a high level medical read, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6774643/

as for strain specific, good question. In my case I’ve been trying landrace sativas lately. I don’t see much difference. I don’t know the answer. Not even sure this is my issue. I’m going to see one of the cardiologists in a few weeks and try and pin him down.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Have you taken a close look at your diet and nutritional intake? Excessively high levels of potassium can mess with a persons heart and really low levels can affect it too. It's usually something monitored by doctors thru blood analysis. I'm not sure what the differences between high levels and low levels are though. There are lots of foods rich in potassium that are considered healthy. Bananas are the most commonly known one but tomatoes and certain leafy green vegetables too. The point being a person can think they're eating healthy but actually are consuming too much and end up having a serious heart issue. I don't know if this causes an irregular heartbeat but another thing that many don't know can have a serious impact on heart health is dental infections. What I'm getting at is that there are a lot of things out there that can impact one's heart some are obvious and some are not. The things that are not so obvious can create a scenario where a person thinks a certain thing is the source of a problem just because it's the only thing that seems like it might be a problem and the actual problem gets over looked because it's something that's usually thought of as safe or even good for you or something they don't realize can affect the heart.

I have a hard time believing that cannabis would be the cause of arrhythmia and it not be widely documented by now given that so many consume cannabis and have been doing so for a long time. I mean if there was a solid cause and effect relationship it should be well known and well documented.

St. Phatty

Active member
I had that once when I was in a difficult job situation.

5 executives at San Diego tech company Elgar, bought the company for $17 Million in a Leveraged Buy-out, then sold it to British Company Dobson Park for $40 Million.

In order to present a prettier picture, they did all sorts of fvcked up things. Like book orders, BELOW COST, to try and present a Big Backlog.

After the 5 execs. had their $$$, they proceeded to try and cancel many of the orders they had booked.

One of the orders was for shipboard power supplies, customer was Israel.

9 months worth of work, sold for the cost of 3 months worth of work.

Israel said they would sue Elgar if they cancelled the order.

So the managers turned around and told the engineers, you have 3 months to do this job.

It was so fvcked up it was funny.

That was the period of time when one of the Power Supplies - with 18 car batteries for backup - short circuited.

They should make that a ride at Disneyland.


Well-known member
Hey Blondie, I was wondering if you have one of those home arrhythmia monitors like the Kardia Mobile EKG Monitor, Fitbit watch, etc., they're very affordable now and you could possibly make the correlation yourself between what you are toking and the occurrence of your irregular heartbeat.


Active member
I asked about strain specificity because some strains can cause a sharp increase in heart rate and other strains can cause orthostatic hypotension(a form of low blood pressure that happens when you stand up from sitting or lying down. Orthostatic hypotension can make you feel dizzy or lightheaded, and maybe even cause you to faint.). I have experienced both at one time or another.


Well-known member
I have recently been diagnosed with A-FIB, I have a fitbit and kardia mobil ekg, just got both. I have not been using that much cannabis lately, a few puffs at night and a little tincture at bedtime. I have not found that I go into A-FIB, but my heart does race Tachycardia or a slow heart rate due to meds, Bradycardia. The A-FIB could be occurring while I sleep but I am not sure, I have to talk to my cardiologist on the 8th. I like having the info that’s the fitbit and kardia provide. I don’t think the small amount of THC I consume has anything to do with it…


Well-known member
All good posts here. I don’t have a monitor for home but that is a good idea. My mild heart concerns are a small part of a larger overall health issue that needs diagnosing. Been working on it over a year now.

It it is interesting the leafy greens potassium an diet idea. I have been eating quite a bit of these and have some items growing in my tent at the moment. I was going to use this a a winter source of fresh stuff. Very very curious idea though and next round of bloods I gett I’ll check. Thanks for,that.


Well-known member
One more thing. I did have a few episodes of falling and dizzy on standing. My cardiologist sadly ignored it. I e got a new cardiologist now who ordered me a heart mri due to the tachycardia the previous guy found and ignored. Also just had a chest and pelvic angiogram with contrast. I hate feeling of my asss crack/hole getting hot and wet. Anyone else feel this with contrast?

I have also peaked the curiosity of a hematologist oncologist with some blood markers. Getting some additional tests ordered, supposedly. .


Well-known member
With a-fib, and I also make too many red blood cells, which I go to a hematologist oncologist for, they bleed me once a month. Both are caused by sleep apnea now that seems to be next, a sleep test…


Well-known member
The hematologist oncologist sent some blood tests through. Man this shit is scary. My angiogram came back clear. Good stuff. I didn’t know it, but the doc somehow tested my potassium. It’s perfect. There goes that idea.

Sleep apnea does not sound good. I’ve never heard blood letting like this. Interesting to know.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I smoked cannabis sporadically from the late 60's until my professional retirement in 2005 and in 2007 got my OMMP medical cannabis, after which I experimented extensively with cannabis concentrates for arthritic pain and attitude adjustment. I stopped smoking (combusting) cannabis about 2009, but continue to vaporize (dab) concentrates using an electric nail, as well as sublingually and topically.

I'm now 78 and about two years ago I became seriously ill with the flu. Because I was not eating and was drinking copious quantities of water, my blood electrolytes got out of balance and my resting heart rate hit 180 bpm with arrythmia. No previous or family heart issue history.

My blood tests showed my potassium to be low, and some others were out of balance. Once they rebalanced my blood electrolytes, my normal low resting heartbeat of 52/54 returned and the arrythmia went away.

I wore a heart monitor for the next 30 days with no further incidents, nor have there been any incidences show up with subsequent ECG's, including recently while trying to pass a kidney stone.

Because I was scheduled for knee surgery, I was taking a battery of bodily fluid and function tests recently and during that same time frame recently I spent an uncomfortable to ghastly painful month of it of trying to pass a kidney stone or get it removed. During which my heart rate and bp were again seriously elevated, but no arrythmia.

One big difference is that this time when I wasn't able to eat, I drank sports drinks or seltzer water with electrolyte tablets dissolved in it.

A good lesson that something as simple as the flu can unexpectedly kill you by giving you a heart attack or stroke through electrolyte imbalance.

Seeing is believing, so another tongue in cheek question, is that given my cannabis use history, if I had died of tachycardia or an arrythmia related stroke, how much evidence might some see that my death was cannabis related??


Active member
Been reading through the DJ Short articles in the "Breeder's Laboratory" and in one of them where he is discussing desirable/undesirable traits, he states that there are strains that cause vasoconstriction (the racy ones) and ones that cause vasodilation (sedative ones).

I'm pointing this out here, because this is a direct link to the cardivascular system. Beyond that, I'm just a science geek.

But, we're all learning new stuff about cannabis all the time, and that there are both of the effects listed above present in cannabis is a new one on me.

I'm not sure if you can lab test for those effects in a sample, or not.

In any event, "Just Say Know," stay safe, and all the best!


Comfortably numb!
Been reading through the DJ Short articles in the "Breeder's Laboratory" and in one of them where he is discussing desirable/undesirable traits, he states that there are strains that cause vasoconstriction (the racy ones) and ones that cause vasodilation (sedative ones).

I'm pointing this out here, because this is a direct link to the cardivascular system. Beyond that, I'm just a science geek.

But, we're all learning new stuff about cannabis all the time, and that there are both of the effects listed above present in cannabis is a new one on me.

I'm not sure if you can lab test for those effects in a sample, or not.

In any event, "Just Say Know," stay safe, and all the best!

Body chemistry (our own endocrine system) has a lot to do with it. I find Sativas a little too racy for my liking, especially the higher THC strains, although I never has any cardiac arrhythmia s.

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