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Arkansas: Dead birds falling from the sky and dead fish clogging up the river...


Active member

"The Arkansas town of Beebe witnessed an extraordinary sight on New Years Eve as thousands of birds dropped from the sky dead. Now just 125 miles from that strange occurrence 100,000 fish have been found dead in the Arkansas River.
The drum fish clogged 20 miles of the river in the northwestern section of the state near Ozark.
A tugboat captain first noticed the fish on Thursday and now wildlife officials are trying to ascertain what killed the fish.
"The fish kill only affected one species of fish," said Keith Stephens of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. "If it was from a pollutant, it would have affected all of the fish, not just drum fish."
Officials are also trying to find out what killed flocks of blackbirds just before midnight on New Year’s Eve.
Some biologists believe fireworks or the weather may have caused stress-related death for the birds and don’t believe the fish kill is linked to the mass bird death.
The number of birds killed was initially reported at 1,000, but has since been updated to 5,000."

i can see the fireworks thing maybe causing that to the birds but the dead fish are strange....


weird shit!

kind of like the live plucked chickens that show up after a twister...

why just blackbirds? why just drumfish? sure like to know...

sac beh

Wasn't that the same day (New Year's Eve) that strong tornado-producing storms passed through Arkansas? Could be related.


Active member
Sounds like a Hitchcock movie
exactly what i thought....

i do believe it was around that time sac beh but im not sure....whats weird is the 2 different phenos of the fish and bird world that were affected only.....sounds like the fish might have got the flew and what ever the birds had...well thats just fishy;)
Anyone ever see the movie "The Core" where the govt messed with the earths center causing it to stop rotating. That caused the earth magnetic field to start to collapse and birds went ape shit crashing into buildings...magnetic storms, solar radiation punch through in spots burning up shit.
It is science fiction, but some of what was in the movie seems to be happening now.

Or maybe chem trails?
Hitting specific species could be DNA tailored experiments.

Weird shit though I will say.


I'm sorry, the dudes and I over at HAARP got really drunk and took the lady for a New Years spin and fired a few rounds. We figured no one is gonna notice...


Town full of rednecks shoot their guns up in the air @ midnight umm....

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
not Blackbirds...English Starlings...they were warned to be out of the country by midnight...:dance013:

as far as the dead fish?...if it was all Drum fish?...no big loss there..(unless they end up in McDonald's?)
2012? Not if You Believe in What This Guy Says:

2012? Not if You Believe in What This Guy Says:


Looks like they are a year early?
Isn't the end in 2012?

Weird! :hide:

Harold Camping says that the end is coming in May of this year.
May, 21 to be exact. Don't worry too much, as Harold has prophesied the end of the world before, technically making him a false prophet. I'm not sure you get second chances with this kind of thing.

Anyhow the thing is that this guy owns his own network of AM radio stations. The good news is that you can probably hear him spout his insanity on a car radio near you. He takes phone calls too!
Regarding the Blackbird Rain and Fish Kill:

Regarding the Blackbird Rain and Fish Kill:

Red Winged Blackbirds have notoriously bad eyesight, and have been known to fly straight into the ground. In the place where the birds died, they have had long-standing problems with enormous flocks of Blackbirds. In some places where they are known to roost, in huge numbers, three foot piles of accumulated droppings are not uncommon. In the past, the gov't. has actually spent money on trying to relocate the birds without success.

The idea is that something startled the flock and they took off, either lightening, fireworks, somebody with a badass green laser, something caused them to take flight in the middle of the night. Either they got hit by lightening, hail, or they just became disoriented, and flew straight into the ground.

It is interesting to note that birds too frightened to land and rest will drop out of the sky due to exhaustion. Google "mao sparrow massacre" if you don't believe me. Back in the 60's Mao decided that sparrows were pests and exhorted his people to kill them whenever possible. The most effective method? Banging pots and pans, frightening the poor birds enough to keep them from landing, forcing them to fly until they dropped out of the sky due to exhaustion. It is easy to imagine the same kind of thing happening, inadvertently, on New Years Eve with lots of fireworks going off nearby.

Incidentally, the other species of birds that were collected with the blackbird carcasses are known to roost with blackbirds during the winter, and if the above is true, they just followed their nearsighted friends to their demise.

They think that the fish kill is due to some kind of disease, specific only to the Drum, likely a virus, since only one species of fish died in the kill.

Finally, I know that it seems spooky, but it's more than likely that these incidents happening within 24 hours of each other and on the first of the year is nothing more than coincidence.

Happy New Year everyone!


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor

Sorry couldn't help myself. The world isn't going to end anytime soon. Economic depression, probably. End of the world. No.