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<<edited by Admin>>> I think there should be a forum called bud trading and it should be like avaliable to members with 500+ posts or something like that, high honor.

This brick weed has inspired me. :canabis:


The Voice of Reason
The following rules are for everyone's benefit. While we don't censor the forums, we want to keep them full of quality postings, and don't want to waste people's time with postings of NO VALUE.

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13. Threads or posts pertaining to religious or political discussions meant to incite or flame others will be closed and/or deleted. ICMag is an international site attracting members from a multitude of religious and political backgrounds, so in favor of harmony and unity, rather than division, it is best to stay on the topic of this site....cannabis. There is a forum for law/politics as it pertains to cannabis.

14. Off-site links to other websites that are controlled by servers that are out of our control and are not based in a canna tolerant country could possibly be there to harvest growers IP's so compromising the security of our members. Admin will delete any links to off server websites as a security precaution to safeguard the security of all members.

Other than these restrictions, people are free to post whatever they choose. This is a FREE SPEECH site and we respect people's right to have their say. Let's all just be civil about it!

Please let us know ASAP if there are any postings that violate these guidelines, especially if they offend you! Next to every post there is a link to report the post.

P.S. Please read our Privacy and Copyright statements.

Rule 3 added/amended 12 Aug 05
Rule 11 added/amended 20 Nov 05
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DirtySmoke said:
I'm 17, I act mature, to my knowledge anyway. I've probably looked around and read the information the site has longer than I have been a registered member. Immature people are just that immature, nothing you can do about it, ignore them if they bother you. A community is alot stronger when most of the members are mature though. Most forums with a majority of immature people or immature-acting people never really make it. I've had around 3-4 years of IT and webmaster experience and ran many forums, so I know.

So you were 13 when you started with your IT/webmaster experience????

Nevermind...at 17 you can't be here....see ya when ya are old enough.

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