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Appropriate size pot for Sog


I plan on vegging for only like 10 days from clone. Right now im using 8x8x8 (roughly) pots. Seems like i could get away with something smaller.

What size pots are you using for this amount of veg time in your SOG?
i'd say a 1 1/2 gal sq pots to 2 gal
im about to start a perpetual sog
veging for 9 days so far in 32oz cups
roots are filling quite nicely
its always good to work ur way up
to bigger pots
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I'm gonna be attempting something similar very soon as well, got the cuts rooting up now. I plan on doing 36 in a 4x4 tray under 1kw using 1gal's. Pre-vegging in 16oz dixie cups for 7 days or so, then another 7-10 days in the 1 gallons and flip em. Veg time depends on plant size, never grown in coco so we'll see.

Good luck with it man, post em up so we can see =D.


Anyone know the dimensions of plastic grow bags?

Are the 1 gallons 5x5x10?
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**** i see one guy who says he hasnt done it yet, and i see one opinion...Is more than one opinion a lot to ask for? And if what you think what the guy said is a good answer thats all you gotta say... I don't need these smart alec remarks...yes i can read man.

EDIT: LoL, i see your reply is the one, i was unaware that you are the deity or coco.

You think it better to have a not so wide pot...mine are 8.5x8.5...would it be better to get say a 6x6xdeeper to make up the volume?
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lol i was just joshin wit ya my bad
hell Maj.PotHead flowers in 2L bottles
n his grows are nice
i'd go with deeper pots u might b able to squeeze more in

how many plants psf u gonna do
also imo this section is rather slow when it comes to replies
im still a newbie but it n help people based off what i know or have read
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i was thinkin of doing 12 plants in the 4x4 tray...but i really want 4x8 tray, but the logistics of moving one of those is rough, so i think ima do 2 4x4 so 12 in each tray


I would not call 12 plants in a 4x4 tray a SOG. Your best bet is to use 3 gallons and veg for a little while.

If you planned on running 50+ cuttings per tray with no veg, you would go with the one gallons.