Wow, the 3rd year of this thread. Most everybody knows the rules. I just like guys to respect each other and no BS here. It's like the thread name, Anything you wanna talk about outdoors, I'll sometimes cross the line but I'm sorry. I do a LOT of indoor growing also. But the 1st thread it rained all summer, 2nd yr thread a drought and sunny!! So hopefully something in between this year. Im thinking of doing 3-4 of those 17gal black tubes from Walmart. I'll not 100% sure, the weather is pretty sporadic here still. It'll be awhile before I put anything outside. But there's tons of prep work. Like I'm getting my chainsaw together to drop a few trees to give me more light. At the end of last season I have a security issue, in a neighbor that smokes also. He was telling me about all these areas to grow, they weren't on my land. But I've used the 1 area twice he spoke on, including this year lol smh. My guerilla site is compromised now. This fucker and his buddy I'm gonna have to watch close. I already talked shit to him for beening on my land. It's like why you coming behind to my land, keep your ass behind your own house and land. So hopefully this spring I know he got the message not to be on my land, I'll probably just put up a gate a block the road behind my place. But make sure these meth heads don't rob your ass this year. I'm lucky last year. Lucky I didn't get cleaned out or go to jail. Just to much chatter about smells and shit. But I'm gonna see what I can do. Welcome to another year guys