They are called florist’s flower vials I think. Is there any better to keep un rootted cuttings safe?
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They are called florist’s flower vials I think. Is there any better to keep un rootted cuttings safe?
U might of got something.. but not made to root I bet....but very interesting... are u going to mess around with them?
Better? No, not in my opinion. I use beer cups with water or a ziploc with water, but there's a pretty big risk of loss due to mold/fungus. I think those would be better.
to keep them safe i put cuttings (longer than the final) in a 5 gal bucket with ro water in it mixed with a touch of superthrive (b vitamins)
that way I can give them their final cut underwater and then into cloning gel.
“Holding clones in stasis? (The refridgerator method),” by I. M. Boggled