Is there anyone else on these boards who shares this addictive hobby? Or what are your thought about keeping tarantulas?
Please feel free to ask any questions about them if you have any. There's a lot of misinformation going around about these animals so I'm always glad to help educate.
First of all I'd like to state tarantulas are NOT deadly nor are they dangerous. Most species have relatively mild venom although some species can be considered to have a "medically significant" bite. They are not agressive (some are quite defensive though) and bites are very rare. I myself have never been bitten and know lots of people who have been in the hobby for 1-30 years without ever getting bitten.
Also I'm against handling tarantulas and will only ever do so if necessary (to save their life for example). This is a hand off hobby. Treating these animals with care and respect is top priority.
here's a list of species I currently own:
Acanthoscurria geniculata 0.0.1
Avicularia metallica 0.1.0
Avicularia versicolor 0.1.0
Brachypelma albopilosum 0.1.0
Brachypelma auratum 0.1.0
Brachypelma boehmei 0.1.0
Brachypelma emilia 0.1.0
Brachypelma smithi 1.1.0
Grammostola rosea 0.1.0
Haplopelma vonwirthi 1.1.0
Heteroscodra maculata 0.1.4
Lasiodora parahybana 1.2.0
Lampropelma violaceopes 1.1.0
Monocentropus balfouri 0.0.2
Nhandu chromatus 0.1.0
Nhandu coloratovillosus 0.1.0
Orphneacus sp. blue
Poecilotheria fasciata 0.0.3
Poecilotheria metallica 0.0.1
Poecilotheria miranda 0.0.4
Poecilotheria pederseni 0.0.3
Poecilothere rufilata 1.2.0
Poecilotheria striata 1.2.0
Poecilotheria subfusca highland 0.0.6
Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli 0.0.1
Psalmopoeus cambridgei 0.0.3
Psalmopoeus irminia 0.1.0
Psalmopoeus reduncus 0.0.3
the numbers behind the species names mean is the amount of males.females.unsexed specimens I have.
Poecilotheria rufilata
Avicularia versicolor
Psalmopoeus irminia
Please feel free to ask any questions about them if you have any. There's a lot of misinformation going around about these animals so I'm always glad to help educate.
First of all I'd like to state tarantulas are NOT deadly nor are they dangerous. Most species have relatively mild venom although some species can be considered to have a "medically significant" bite. They are not agressive (some are quite defensive though) and bites are very rare. I myself have never been bitten and know lots of people who have been in the hobby for 1-30 years without ever getting bitten.
Also I'm against handling tarantulas and will only ever do so if necessary (to save their life for example). This is a hand off hobby. Treating these animals with care and respect is top priority.
here's a list of species I currently own:
Acanthoscurria geniculata 0.0.1
Avicularia metallica 0.1.0
Avicularia versicolor 0.1.0
Brachypelma albopilosum 0.1.0
Brachypelma auratum 0.1.0
Brachypelma boehmei 0.1.0
Brachypelma emilia 0.1.0
Brachypelma smithi 1.1.0
Grammostola rosea 0.1.0
Haplopelma vonwirthi 1.1.0
Heteroscodra maculata 0.1.4
Lasiodora parahybana 1.2.0
Lampropelma violaceopes 1.1.0
Monocentropus balfouri 0.0.2
Nhandu chromatus 0.1.0
Nhandu coloratovillosus 0.1.0
Orphneacus sp. blue
Poecilotheria fasciata 0.0.3
Poecilotheria metallica 0.0.1
Poecilotheria miranda 0.0.4
Poecilotheria pederseni 0.0.3
Poecilothere rufilata 1.2.0
Poecilotheria striata 1.2.0
Poecilotheria subfusca highland 0.0.6
Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli 0.0.1
Psalmopoeus cambridgei 0.0.3
Psalmopoeus irminia 0.1.0
Psalmopoeus reduncus 0.0.3
the numbers behind the species names mean is the amount of males.females.unsexed specimens I have.
Poecilotheria rufilata
Avicularia versicolor
Psalmopoeus irminia