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Anyone heard about Monkey Juice being deffective?


20kw dreams

Hey, so I used MJ a while back, and the shit was phenomenal. I thought initially it had too much ammonium in it, which it may, but I realize now that the ammonium, which isn't usually in Hydro nutrients, is another Cation that can be used to flush out some of that excess K.

Anyways, so I used it, then went back to get more, and the owner of the hydro store said teh shit was bad. I guess it was going bad in the bottle after using it for like a week or something? He said he talked to the owner of the US distributor, "Gotta Grow" I think, and said he said yeah, apperently they've been ****ing up batches or some shat...something along those lines, and would give him a refund for what he had on the shelves, and anything that was returned. So, I'm like "OK, I'll use something else." Then I notice it's still on the shelves at other hydro stores, and I know at least one person who has used a batch since then and it's been going fine.

So, has anyone heard ANYTHING about this, or is it just me? It is quite possible there are some lcoal hydro store politics coming into play here, but the owner told me a bottle went bad on him personally...like it smelled bad...which says to me there was some bacteria feeding on the ammonia or something, which makes sense since liquid ammonia products can get like that, like piss for example.

So what's up?


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
I have heard of it going bad, after reading some historical posts here on IC....

didnt read about it on here until AFTER i bought it!

I was at the hydro shop recently and the guy pawned some off to me...

his huge sales tactic was used by telling me that if it is bad, the company offers a full refund...

he knows it goes bad, thats why he pawned it off to me...

I heard its a real rotten smell when it is bad...

I wouldnt know though, I am still using my GH 3PART fluro series!

the monkey juice is still sealed.
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In Vino Veritas

I wish there was more info about the Monkey Juice line..I'm wondering if I really need everything. I assume Carbo Load is about the same as Big Bud Powder?

Monkey Juice Grow Part A/B
Monkey Juice Bloom Part A/B
Dr. Hornby's Big Bud Powder
Carbo Load Powder
Voodoo Juice

What is Nirvana, B-52, and Scorpion Juice for? No info on the AN site.


Well-known member
carboload and big bud are two entirely different products....Carboload is a sugar source and big bud is a P and K booster....DLB

In Vino Veritas

DrLongbottom said:
carboload and big bud are two entirely different products....Carboload is a sugar source and big bud is a P and K booster....DLB

Thanks, any way to know what all the supplemental products are for this line? Not sure if I listed them all, or too many? (I don't mean a breakdown of all the products, I mean is this all the products for the Monkey Juice line).
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Kenny Lingus

Active member
Monkey Juice Bloom Part-B has had troubles...

Monkey Juice Bloom Part-B has had troubles...

I have finished a few plants using MJ 2+ from AN.
Using Canna coco-slabs on tri-daily drip-feeding, or small pots with Canna coco on daily handwatering have made me able to only use the Monkey Juice Bloom. (It is 5-4-4 and basically same as Canna Cocos 5-4-3, but a little more K)

-I had two bottles less than 1 year old in store and they where full of gritty bottom sediments that shook loose as I started using the product. (P snow or whatever it is)
I've also experienced pH-drift out of this world, and it smell pretty bad IMO.

Have grown some of my best weed with it along with a full 2+ program and some more, so I dunno what to say.

It's been a hassle sort of, but results where a bit better than Canna in a 1-on-1 test Canna vs AN.
Healthier, quicker, shorter/fatter/harder, larger and more mature trichomes, plus it was able to take more nutes before showing retreat signs. (The taste/boquet is sweeter more vivid and it smells more of the better nuances in the herb. (Less cure needed)

Blue Thunder x Sour Bubble - 8,5weeks @ 600hps/1,2mx1,2m
3 litre coco-coir, handwatered daily @ same time and EC-value (range 0,8-1,6ms/cm - tap water start @ 0,0ms/cm [< 0,05ms/cm])

Canna Left (40,3g) - AN right (43,8g)

-Almost all of these moments I've taken notice of is kicking pretty straight against AN's tacky sales arguments:

They claim to have better shelf life in all products, better buffering, and more potent (cleaner/purer) element sources of medical grade.

Could be they're a bit more potent, but they can go higher in EC using a 2+ program along w/seaweed, scorpion and sweet leaf than I'm able to with Cannas full coco line.

I will probably not use Monkey Juice anymore in the automated drip setups, but maybe by hand. A lot of the additives...like Big Bud, Overdrive, Voodoo Juice and the bennies, B-vitamins, Carboload, Barricade, Mother Earth Tea Bloom and a few more will certainly come along in other base nute schedules

I conclude w/ AN being quite experimental and they base much of their philosophy on tomato, cucumber, corn and sweet pepper crops.
Read up on their encyclopedia, and determine wether it suits your situation or not.

(Why not just use potato nutes and blackstrap molasses you may say!?!)

Well, it's true: you can copy most of AN's stuff organically or otherwise, but for the common homegrower it's more convenient having it bottled up and ready. No mess or stench. (I use both homemade and commercial stuff, AN and others) And btw: Carboload and Blackstrap ain't the same at all...

Some additives may even last years!!!

I've had fun using these products, so i SUGGEST PEOPLE MAKE UP THEIR OWN MIND AND DON'T BUY INTO ALL HYPE ANDFLAMING. (Oooops, I seem to have capsed all over myself....again!)

Kenny Lingus
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crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
I'll second the try and try again from Kenny.

I've had the best harvests and some crappy ones using the monkey.

My monkey B went bad on one batch and i returned it for another. It had little white

floaters, but no grit.

IMHO their bene products are overpriced. Support cutting edge, a local company, if

you want quality benes that don't empty your pocket. Really, myco products are only

marginally useful in coco in veg. The rest is unnecessary. Monkey + Big Bud +

Overdrive + Sweet Leaf + Final Flush.

Nuff said

peace, love, & coco

20kw dreams

The carbolad = Blackstrap is way off. It's more like Blackstrap = Carboload + BigBud

And overdrive is essentially just a PK booster.

IVV just reminded me that my highest yield was from PBP. Now that I have a bit more experience, I think I could improve my old repertoire.

My pH was always ROCK solid with MJ, which is contrary to what alot of people say. I hand innoculated with Piranha and Tarantula, and DID NOT aerate, which I think causes alot of people problems with overactive biology. I was having pH drift on this last run a bit with Sensi AB+CalMg(recommended replacement for MJ). I was trying to figure it out, and stopping the use of carbolad cleared up the problem. Again, it's the Biology getting out of control.

I personally believe that if you water at least once a day, you shouldn't aerate the reservoir, at least when dealing with medium based, high biology system like coco or soil.

Glad to hear it wasn't just my local store

I don't have a bottle around, but is the MJ-B the one with the ammonium in it?


I am using Monkey Juice for my second coco run currently and it's working great for me. Ater mixing, ph is 5.3 to 5.7, I'm also using Carboload, Sensizyme and Hammerhead.

Last coco run I used Canna a+b with Atazyme and Atami PK13-14, worked great and great yields and flavour, as normal with the buds I've sampled grown by other folks using Canan nutes in coco.

Although I'm only just over 4 weeks into flowering my second run, so far I prefer the Monkey Juice over the Canna a+b. I had PH issues with canna, after mixing, my ph was about 6.5 so I had to use ph down. I also had some burning issues early on with the Canna a+b, this time with Monkey Juice the plants are healthier with no ph or burn issues, could be I've grown em better, but I think the Monkey Juice is partly the reason.

I'll reserve judgement till the harvest is over and done, but so far I really like Monkey Juice.

Kenny Lingus

Active member
I'm not to fond of AN's bennies as they're yeah overpriced and probably quite dead (burnt into ceramics like other similar products). Also using more then 2-3 Trichoderma strains in a root promoter is a bit strange as I've read that only a few strains may grow on cannabis roots (plant roots at all actually, as some species do not like these spores to much) -I guess they're just benficial in breaking down dead organic matter then...?!?

Well, my Trichoderma from Canna is not very expensive and extremely potent in any medium I've tried it in. (10gram for 10euro, and 1 gram dissolved in 1 liter should be enough to treat 30 small pots according to producer.) There will be fresh white fuzzy feeder roots searching along the surface of the medium within 1-2 days after inoculation. These will be reduced little by little as the surface tend to drie out from time to time. In a water retaining medium 1 or 2 treatments is more then enough to keep fresh roots lurking just millimeters beyond the surface untill harvest. (local gardeners warehouse has cheaper, but only in 500g boxes)...I would only inoculate once or twice at start, and then stick to the most basic stuff... (Allthough I usually don't veg for more then 2-5 days)

This will probably happen without root mass enhancing bennies if using good coco, but inoculants do surely speed up the root and foliar growth for me.
In soil I like to use it a bit more, but not more then every month. (if growing things that long, that is.)
BTW! I will try some local EM-1 inoculant and different strengthening extensions made with it. I've just started treatment with EMa... (smells better then most molasses suspended boosters I know of.)


Active member
MJ and readygro slabs drip setup. No Problems here. My bottles are all good. Got some new bottles bout a month ago too. They're fine.

I agree don't aerate the res when using drip setups. Ph stays more stable that way. I haven't been using any of the additives except for PK booster in mid flower and plants are healthiest they can be. Totally green and lush.

I pulled 1.75lbs off a 4x4 1000W with the HKxSK with this setup. First time running the strain. I think I could get it to 2.
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In Vino Veritas

meduser180056 said:
MJ and readygro slabs drip setup. No Problems here. My bottles are all good. Got some new bottles bout a month ago too. They're fine.

I agree don't aerate the res when using drip setups. Ph stays more stable that way. I haven't been using any of the additives except for PK booster in mid flower and plants are healthiest they can be. Totally green and lush.

I pulled 1.75lbs off a 4x4 1000W with the HKxSK with this setup. First time running the strain. I think I could get it to 2.

That's what I'm talking about! So you're just using Monkey Juice A/B, and Dr. H's Big Bud? None of the inoculation products (Tarantula, Piranha, Voodoo)?


Active member
Yah bio nova coco veg a/b for the beginning veg period then switch to MJ bloom a/b for the rest. I use bio nova's pk13-14 for a bloom booster, but I've heard good things about the hornsby one it's expensive tho.

I used to use tons of additives when running Botanicare for several years. I'm starting to think they are a waste of money for the most part. Especially considering I have been having higher yields with little to no additives compared to lower yields when I was using practically every additive in the book.

I still foliar silica and maxicrop about once a week tho cuz I think it helps to keep em perked up and topped up on all their needs. I also foliar with Pmaxx in early flower.
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Active member
My last grow i used just Monkey Juice with no additives. Didn't notice any ill affects. Next time i plan on adding some other stuff to the mix.

20kw dreams

Guys, look at Big Bud - It's molasses without the sugars. The K/Ca/Mg ratios are the same. Big Bud has amino acids, and that's it, bt Big Buds power is in the high K, not the amino acids.

Then, look at overdrive - It's ****in PK, 1-3-4? Come on! x 4? PK 12/16.

Monkey Juice is the only coco nutrient with the ammonium cation in it though

However, PBP is organic, and most of the N sources will break down into ammonium.

Now PBP has humic acid, kelp, and silicon in the base nutrient.
Canna has fulvics in the base from what I understand.

I wasn't seeing the stalk thickening from foliar of Silicon that I was from root feeding.

And you make me sick with your "I'm just using MJ and PK and getting 1&3/4"...dick...:D


Active member
20kw dreams said:
And you make me sick with your "I'm just using MJ and PK and getting 1&3/4"...dick...:D

Hey your the one that recommended the combo fool! LOL

That was on the HKxSK table. I only pulled 1.5 off the mixed Ody and HKxSk table and only 1.25 off the Ody table.

I swear if I can get this HKxSK done perfect it could be 2 per table. :muahaha:

Kenny Lingus

Active member
Monkey Juice bloom res stinking after 4-5days, so something is going on.

Monkey Juice bloom res stinking after 4-5days, so something is going on.

Straight canna or MJ with some pk bloom booster and a bio-booster additive will give me 1gpw or more...

I am trying the plain bigbud/overdrive combo along with canna coco, cannazym, rhizotonic and Bio-boost for some haze hybrids. They gonna yield really well in tiny 2litre pots!! (plants are 1,5m already and just starting o ripen)

AN is even flaming pk13/14 as being a wrong ratio (did they forget to calculate the molecular weight of the pure P and K or what??? pk13/14 from canna will render a usable ratio of 1p/2k, and that's what AN claim to have in their hammerhead pk-9/18.)

Any good base line should give you about the gpw (unless you use too much light on a tiny spot of course...)

I must say I like the Big Bud/Overdrive combo because when I use pk13/14 I often experience slight leaf curling at upper budleaves (possibly from p-toxicity). (Although I think using the BB for such a long period (week 2-5(6)) will make the pH managment a bit harder then just 3-7days on pk13/14.

PS! 20KWDream, You wouldn't drink or eat diluted Big Bud with a pinch of carboload, would you (I'll pass that one mate :muahaha:)

-But of course, the sweetleaf and carboload are basically sugars. just seem a bit more stable with chemical nutes. (My molasses will **** up the res so soon that I'll mostly use it for handfeeding (and mostly in soil(less) and foodcrops)
(I use it as activator and food for efficient microbes when I ferment castings, herbal clippings or guanos or make bokashi)

Here's a little observation of 4 Petrol weeklings. Guess which had the inoculation:

I'm very glad I'm not alone n noticing healthier plants with these nutes, and happy to see others also find that to much stirring and aeration of the res will cause flux and floaters if using to many bennies/additives.

As with my canna programs, I do believe in just using the most basic ingredients in the tank (and eventually add boosters one by one halfway through the res when the solution has completely stabilized and there ain't too much nutes to set off.) Cannazym is recommended either using 1-4ml/l all the time or 4-10ml/l once a week. (the latter approach making my res more stable)


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My 2 cents, I used Canna a+b, mixing to 1.6 ec than adding PK13-14 upto 1.8 ec and it worked fantastic, got really good yields for a 250w lamp, about 200g from 7 plants.

This time round I'm using Monkey Juice as the Canna had sold out, and I bought a bottle of Hammerhead as the Atami PK13-14 I used was also sold out. I still have some Pk left from my last grow so at 4 weeks into 12/12, I've been adding Pk to each feeding, hand watering daily for 2 weeks. I must say my plants looks healthier this time round with Monkey Juice, but that may be due to me learning how to grow in coco better than my first attempt.

About stem thickness, I had a Mexican that I just harvested with an inch thick stem at the base in a 1.5 litre pot of coco using Canna a+b with PK as described.