Started the LR indoors, moved outdoors as soon as it was about an inch tall. Planted in pots, 100% organic grow outdoors. At about 6 weeks 3 females and one male started to flower, actually the male was about 3-4 days ahead of the females. I designated one plant to be a seed producer for next year and after pollinization the male was sacrificed. After about 65 days of flowering all but one female was harvested. The remaining fem was clipped back by about half. This cutting back had a really bizzare effect. It went back into full flower, it got much fuller. Then after about two weeks of female flowers, it switched to male flowers. The resulting plant is about the size of a baseball, (and almost as dense).
Just wondering if anyone has had an experience like this with lowrider?
Just wondering if anyone has had an experience like this with lowrider?