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Anyone have a one eyed dog?

Green Squall

Well-known member
Brought my dog to the vet today for a suspected infected eye. He's had them on and off so I thought nothing of it. Now they are telling me they don't know what's wrong and I can't even get an appointment with an eye specialist, so I have to bring him to the doggy ER tomorrow. It could be nothing more than something that steroids can clear up, or it could be a benign tumor, where I would have to have eye removed. wtf!? Worried for my four legged friend.

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
Yup - had a toy poodle once maybe ten years ago.
he liked to ambush/bowl over the cat in the hallway any chance he could get.
cat was not amused.
one day the cat had had enough and clawed a nice juicy hole in his right eyeball
we didnt have the money to get surgery at the time and he wound up with a cataract in that eye
He was such a poodle, spoiled and a spite pisser , even though we tooks him nutz
we gave him away at about 3 years old , and he is still an unrepentant cat instigator/spite pisser


Well-known member
Don't worry about your dog. He will be fine. You are doing the right thing by taking him to the vet and caring for him the best you can.
If something does happen, dogs adapt. We feel remorse. Dogs don't. I have had 3 legged dogs and I have had blind dogs and I train dogs and do a lot of volunteer work at the rescues so I see a lot of physically abused dogs. Most are fine, well adjusted and happy, regardless of their "handicap".

Let us know what the ER says tomorrow and keep trying to get that appt with the specialist. Maybe the ER vet can help you get into a specialist sooner.

Tell your buddy, "woof" for me. :)

Green Squall

Well-known member
The nice people at the animal hospital squeezed me in to see an ophthalmologist and right away she said he had a tumor in his eye. Then they gave him an x-ray and found out he is filled with cancer. Almost every organ. This dog was the picture of perfect health, and what I thought was a simple eye infection yesterday, turned out to be the worst possible scenario today. He's only 7 years old. This just reaffirms my belief that there is no god.


Well-known member
Dogs get cancer. All mine have had it. Last one was only 8. Before that, 10. They don't live forever but the joy they give us while they are here is so much worth it all.

My last buddy had cancer twice and the last time he had it for over a year and lived the entire time, totally happy and healthy. They don't get depressed.... we do. And, it will transfer to him so try not to feel that way and enjoy every moment.

Keep us updated.

Green Squall

Well-known member
Oncology appointment Wednesday. Right now I'm jut focused on giving him the best summer ever and keeping him happy.


Well-known member
I guess that's the silver lining to the black cloud. My dog was in obedience competition so I treated him a lot like a soldier. Once I found out he was sick, the gloves came off. LMAO

Cheeseburgers from McDonalds, eating at the table with me. All restrictions were relaxed or released. I'll bet he was wondering WFT was going on. LOL Never saw him (or me) happier.

He has been gone almost 2 years and my new best friend is almost 2 years old. I didn't wait long. LOL A few months. I still cry when I think of him like this. But.... I sure love my new Ringo Dog.

Here's a shot of my buddy a few years back when he did a photo shoot for American Greetings.


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Green Squall

Well-known member
Just got the test results back. He has Lymphoma, not Melanoma, which is slightly good news. There is still no cure, but with aggressive chemo he can live anywhere from 6-15 months. This is best case scenario. We still have to wait and see how he responds to the chemotherapy. It's all about quality of life and I will make sure he has it as long as he's around.

Green Squall

Well-known member
^Thanks. It's incredible how attached you can become to a dog. This was my first dog so I never knew. Tonight for dinner he had brown rice and peas mixed into a scrambled egg :biggrin:


Dogs are one of the best things on this planet and one of the hardest things to lose. One thing to think of is often when we do major late game surgeries, chemo, and other last ditch efforts it rarely brings much more time and is a huge financial and emotional expense. Often us humans tend to do what will hopefully keep our friend around longer even if they are not in good shape. Consider just enjoying your time left with him. One of mine is filled with cancer now and has limited time left as well(no one told him though, he acts like a puppy). I wish you and your dog the best.

Green Squall

Well-known member
I totally get where your coming from. We actually decided not to go for "the most aggressive chemo treatment". He will get some minor chemo which will put him into remission for a little while. He's not in pain and has lots of energy/appetite. Like I said, it's all about quality of life. Best wishes to you and your pup!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

fwiw, when my springer spaniel Kayla came down with cancer, we operated on it and when it returned my vet put her on Prednisone, a steroid. I was warned it would make her drink more water and therefore having to pee more but instead it ramped up her appetite for more food.

she did real well for months on that steroid, and then suddenly, one day the joy left her life replaced instead with pain, I put her down the next day, I couldn't allow her to suffer one day in hopes of a better day tomorrow.

in any case please ask your vet about prednisone for your baby.......

Green Squall

Well-known member
Yup he's been on the prednisone for a couple days now. Glad to hear it worked for your dog. You did the right thing to put your dog to sleep once you realized she was in pain. When that day comes for me, I know it will be hard, but I won't hesitate.


ICMag Donor
Sorry about your doggie GS, you have a nice attitude and shows how much you love your dog. Enjoy the time you have...years ago we had a small dog named thumper and he got into a fight with another dog and lost an eye, he did great. Brought back lots of good memories with him.


Predisone(besides the peeing effect) can be very hard on the dogs. I am sure your vet warned you but it cannot be stopped without weaning off or is likely to cause death. Predisone is also an immunosuppressant so it leaves your dog vulnerable to other sicknesses. It may be the best choice for him though. One of my dogs was on predisone a few years back and no one warned me about any side effects. Came home the first day and their was pee everywhere. My dog was so embarressed. I cleaned it all up and took a shower. Came out of the bathroom and the poor guy was peeing in the hallway with a look on his face like what the fuck is happening.