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Anybody Else using GIS, Maps, Surveying etc.

St. Phatty

Active member


That's a picture of Crater Lake. I think they used topo maps with 10 meter resolution.

I'm trying to get more detailed Digital Elevation Model (DEM) files of the US.

I think if a person worked for the military or NSA they could subscribe to it - or they generate it.

So far the best I have found is 7.5 minute (1/8 of a degree), with 10 meter or 30 meter resolution.

The files work out to be about 10 kilometers by 14 kilometers, or maybe 6 miles by 8 miles.


They fit together like puzzle pieces on the computer.

I figure there are other people here who are into surveying, maps, etc.

I was trying to avoid a parcel of land but already surrendered and started drawing it.


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