just looking for advise on a good way deciding how i should plant this years outdoor still kinda new like what types of ferts i should use and what i can do for prep work
the strains i have for this year are nirvanas big bud and whitelabels white skunk
is it ok to put them in shady arfeas or should i put in direct sunlight and also i found continuos plant fert saposed to last 4 months it says for all plants?
I'd assume that you were gonna germ the beans in a small container then transplant correct? The plants should be placed in an area where they get at least 6hr of direct sunlight, preferably mid morning full sun with filtered light later in the day. I plant on the south side of tree's/treeline at the drip line, that way they get direct sun as it courses west. Planting on the dripline provides a consistant ammount of moisture from the dew that forms on the leaf early in the AM and falls as the day warms. It's not enough to sustain a plant but will help keep the plant from wilting during the hot times of the year.
I personally wouldn't use a time released fertilizer, just a personal preferance. If you can't get or are uncomfortable using organics or one of many fert products you could allways use miracle grow. That statement will tighten the ass of many a gardener, but for the beginner it's a great way to start. MG works very well as long as you don't over do the mix, follow the instruction/feeding schedule and you'll be fine. The 20-20-20 is perfect for veg and their bloom buster 10-52-10 will have you neck deep in bud. The plants will need a week of pure water at the end to dilute/flush the ferts from the soil.
Next season you can start but ammending your soil before planting season. There are many soil recipe here on this site. Do a ton of reading and learn from other people's experance. Preping the soil will have a huge impact on your final product, nothing better than organic grown weed.
Good luck, have fun..........................and be dayum careful
thank you very i just orderd the seeds so bye the time they get here and i nedd to plant they will be just little sprots but i do plan on starting a little before i plant outdoors
thanks once again
I've had good success with organic ferts, its mostly chicken manure, and somewhat pricey including freight. I've grown a long time, this stuff was a major step up in my production and quality..that and an irrigation system, real simple a garden hose and a pump powered by a portable drill, I put one end in the ditch and payed out hose to 8 plants with holes drilled at each plant..... it stay dry a long time down here along the 35th....good luck just be sensible and realistic about your thoughts on yeild; just concentrate on keeping your plants alive!
the easiest thing you can do is buy some MG soil and add about 30% perlite and just add plain water. i use MG soil with some perlite and my plants are as healthy as can be. and MG soil is soposed to be all organic.
thanks guys on all your help ive heard that i could plant fish like 8 to 12 inches down so it roots before roots get there and use something else for ferts before they get to it ? any one try this?
thanks again
fish will work very well but racoons and others will dig it up and leave yer roots high and dry. Chicken manure is indeed wonderful but is strong and can burn ifn you aint carefull. I use e.b.stone or martha stewart organic mixes which have chicken feathers and racoons will check it out but i spread it all over as well as bury it so it's everywhere. this way they dont destroy the sacred crop. If you have decent woodland soil you shouldnt have to pack any amendments in just ferts. Dig a nice deep and wide hole per plant and bury lots of organic goodies in it and youll grow a giant plant!OR make a seed bed and psuedo sea of green it with alot of seeds so johnny law cant distiguish the miniature trees from the forest! good luck, and know that your magic is much stronger than leo's.