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Any equestrians here?


Traktor driver
Aloha :wave:

Just a short one. We're looking at getting ourselves a horse, maybe from the netherlands, but are having some trouble finding anything interesting online as we don't speak dutch. :pointlaug

Can someone point me in the right direction or tell me what best to google for?? :D

Cheers :joint:
Get a friesen horse from frieseland! Hey do any of you know if frieseland is where the original "freezeland" strain came from?

But friesian horses are quite beautiful my friend rides one. Just hope you don't get any wabsites in fries! (Other language they speak in NOORD NL)lol


Traktor driver
Yea I found those sites allready :D

My first choice would be a Friesian (not sure how to spell it in Dutch, in Germany their called Friesen :D), other than that I'm a big fan of Lusitanos or Andalusians.

This one's for the missus though and she's after a warmblood of any type. A normal dutch warmblood, or anything out of the Hannoveraner, Oldenburger or simular lines, a propper dressage horse :wink:

Blue Shark

Mad Scientist said:

Thought you were gonna say you were a horse... :biglaugh: :wink:

Je bent echt grappig Mad zo had ik er zelf nog niet naar gekeken ... :biglaugh: :laughing: :biglaugh:

Groeten van een voormalig hennepdesker a.k.a. Running Water
Ja sorry het was een beetje een inkoppertje. Leuk je hier te zien Running Water! Ben helaas een hoop Hennepdeskers uit het oog verloren, maar beetje bij beetje vind ik ze weer terug. Keep it green! :bandit: