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Anti-drug NY assemblyman Steven Katz arrested for marijuana possession, report says


ICMag Donor
Anti-drug NY assemblyman Steven Katz arrested for marijuana possession, report says
(CBS) NEW YORK - Steven M. Katz, a New York State assemblyman who has publicly condemned the use of drugs, was arrested and charged with marijuana possession during a traffic stop on Thursday, police said, according to The New York Times.

A case of a pot-smoking lawmaker calling the kettle black?
<!--pagebreak-->Katz, a 59-year-old Republican from Mohegan Lake, N.Y., was stopped for speeding on a state thruway in Coeymans, on Thursday morning. After noting the odor of marijuana, a State Trooper found "a small bag of marijuana" in Katz's possession, New York State police said in a statement.
According to the paper, Katz was charged with unlawful possession of marijuana.
In a statement obtained by the New York Times, Katz called the incident "unfortunate."
"This should not overshadow the work I have done over the years for the public and my constituency," he reportedly said, adding, "I am confident that once the facts are presented that this will quickly be put to rest."
Katz, who is a veterinarian by trade, is a member of the Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Committee. According to The Times, he voted against a bill in 2012 that would have legalized medical marijuana.
Katz was released on an appearance ticket and is due in court on March 28.

Maybe some younger computer literate person can now search NY States records and publish all contact information online. I'll bet there and lots of people who would like to have that information:moon:

Link: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504083_...rrested-for-marijuana-possession-report-says/
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ICMag Donor
Needs to be locked up ( for his own protection of course as well as ours )

This lowlife has supported the violent incarceration of non violent people. It's only fair that he get a chance to experience that which he has supported. Perhaps a few days in general population would help the kind veterinarian re-think some positions he has in life.


ruger 500
throw the book at that sob!trafficing sealed with heat possion of a firearm ,havin a bic lighter ,kknowing a hippie ,all of it !


ICMag Donor
Nah, 1 year suspended sentence with just probation but with random piss tests and if he comes up dirty, well , welcome to the joint you scumbag. And DEFINITELY in protective custody where the trustees can do things to the food.......for as long as you're inside.


Professor Organic Psychology
You have to always wonder who it is that wants to keep marijuana illegal


Unfortunately the way things work today. This scheming, backstabbing scoundrel. Will spend a few weeks in a luxury rehab center. Re publicize himself as born again. And be a Congressman or Senator in a few years.


Seems to be true

Seems to be true


Here's one of the reports from New York Daily News confirming yet more hypocritical actions by a member of govt.Hope the link works.Just another case of those in power espousing the do as I say not as I do mentality......and the govt.wonders how the legalization movement as gained so much traction.....it used to be that it was the public that had blinders on....go figure.

Mud Boy

"I am confident that once the facts are presented that this will quickly be put to rest" translates into "As soon as I call in some favors and grease a few palms, I'll get off scot free." :moon:


Active member
He shouldve smoked that weed and not get in trouble.
People who get into trouble are bad... people shouldn't hang around them. ;p

Now he is.a.shitty pothead or..a politician?

Note- I didnt add the words corrupt, hypocritical, or lying because "politician" covers that.

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