New member
I started smoking this stuff almost two years ago when I was diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma. (kidney cancer) My oncologist told me since I was late stage, my odds of survival were 30% over five years. I later found out from other sources that is quite optimistic. Suprisingly, I am still here and puffing away madly. I ingest as well. I have been stoned for two years almost except for twice...I ran out. Both times I got deathly ill with infections. (remaining kidney and pnuemonia the second time) I have other health problems as well, being of 'that age' where the body begins to sputter and moan, much like an old car. I am 52, so I guess that makes me a 'senior stoner.' I find this all too funny since I was so anti-pot before my illness. Irony. God has a sense of humour. Now it seems like my whole existence is centred around pot. If not learning to grow it, pursuing it for consumption, and finding ways to afford it, then spent at the computer on sites such as this; learning about the best and most proven methods of growing pot.