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American high potency cannabis coming to japan.


After recent mid term elections the whole west coast of America is now green. Every state on the west cost is now likely to become major producer of cannabis. This means a drop in prices in America because of large supply.Territory in Alaska is not far away from northern Japan. The very high prices in Japan that a are considered absurd in American will drive product to Japan.

How hard is it for American boats to dock on Japanese shore without any record going to authorities???????

Dose anyone living in Japan think my theory is realistic? :party::party:


Small boats running K's to large international fishing vessels. et.al
Don't forget the Arctic Ocean is open for business.
I dunno... Japan keeps their country under a pretty damn good wrap. For better or worse, they're a very xenophobic nation, so the try their hardest to keep foreigners and unwanted things out of the country. And drug crimes in Japan are treated VERY harshly.

when I was over there I knew a kid who got caught with like a gram of weed, and he got banned from the country for life. He's probably lucky he didn't do any jail time.


Well-known member
It's an old thread but harry's never heard of Ainu. Or what it's like to be Korean in Japan. Or Korean-Japanese. Or any mixed race half Japanese in Japan.


New member
hi, im japanese, now live in the north east of Thailand. You guys got me smoke a joint with them about 40 years ago when i learned English in states. since then, i like smoke. American ganja that imported from states????? i know hawaiian was good. at that time i tasted some columbian, commercial, mohiken from mexico, and some hawaiian. can you get a better weed now than the time when i stayed in states? i want to try that one, looks like good one. Is US ganja no1 around world now? peace.


New member
i like myself to be chilled with greens. i live in a tropical village. greens around here makes me feel all right now. im a english learner. i feel like thinking in english after i sparked up one bong .


hi, im japanese, now live in the north east of Thailand. You guys got me smoke a joint with them about 40 years ago when i learned English in states. since then, i like smoke. American ganja that imported from states????? i know hawaiian was good. at that time i tasted some columbian, commercial, mohiken from mexico, and some hawaiian. can you get a better weed now than the time when i stayed in states? i want to try that one, looks like good one. Is US ganja no1 around world now? peace.

I truly hope this is real.


i like myself to be chilled with greens. i live in a tropical village. greens around here makes me feel all right now. im a english learner. i feel like thinking in english after i sparked up one bong .

I like the idea of such an unconventional approach to language acquisition. Many learners might prefer your regimen.


Active member
japanese colleague from osaka said
of course you can get some, but you d have to talk to someone from the "dark society" (organized crime of some sort i figured) and people dont wanna fuck with you anymore when they know that you smoke or do drugs. your gonna have a hard time looking to make stoner friends in japan.

he got high with us though and was pleased .



japanese colleague from osaka said
of course you can get some, but you d have to talk to someone from the "dark society" (organized crime of some sort i figured) and people dont wanna fuck with you anymore when they know that you smoke or do drugs. your gonna have a hard time looking to make stoner friends in japan.

he got high with us though and was pleased .


Gonna be *very* tough if you're a tourist, even more so if you can't speak the language. And if you can find it, weed from "dark society" sources is anything up to 100USD a gram for hydro.
Someone once showed me a bud or two that they had bought in a tiny baggie for 90USD, looked OK enough but not really worth the hassle, price and possible consequences.

If anyone really wants to try and hit up random people for weed in Japan (which I don't recommend) - don't approach the young 20-30yos...it's by far the baby boomers that smoke more regularly and have a more regular supply, albeit usually lower quality, outdoor guerrilla etc.
Youngsters tend to just want it to be cool because of rappers and the anti-drug brainwashing over there, older guys are more discreet and just want to smoke and chill like they did in the 60/70s.

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