If cannabis is re-scheduled from I to II, that's good for us EVEN IF the Pharmas want to jump in on the action with pills and lab-grown forms of THC.
I agree. If someone can come up with pill that is equally or more effective than the natural herb, what's the problem? If you are using it medicinally, why would you care what form your medicine is in. As long as it works and you can afford to buy it (a big if). And if a manufactured cannabis-based medicine is legal, it would follow that the natural herb be legal too. How can a drug be illegal in one form and legal in another? Maybe not.
Regardless of the possible implications, this is a BIG DEAL. The AMA is the only major medical group that has not jumped on the mmj bandwagon. They were the only ones left that the government could quote when it comes to the medical profession's view on mmj. There is no longer any medical group the government can point to to support their position that mmj is not recognized as medicine. One less leg for the feds to stand on to support their prohibition.