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Alternative to an Mp3 player or using the computer...

Slim Pickens

Well-known member
Ok,here's the deal. I have some pretty serious Tinnitus going on.I have used a fan on the nightstand for years to provide some relief from it when I sleep.I'm beginning to think it may be adding to the problem.I'd like to try one of those Mp3's on the net (rain falling...waves on the beach etc) and see if that maybe works better. I have a set of Logitech speakers I could use,but what inexpensive player could be used to play the Mp3? I hate to haul the laptop in every night,and then bring it back out in the morning. I do need something that would run for a solid 8 hrs minimum ,or something that could be plugged in overnight.

Ideas anyone?


Invertebrata Inebriata
Yeah Slim, there are a lot of free music player apps for your phone. I personally use Amazon, which does cost a little bit, but it unlocks all the music you could ever want, including Relaxation, waves on the beach type stuff. You could hook your speakers up to your phone easily enough, or maybe pop for some bluetooth speakers and be really cool. Good luck!

Slim Pickens

Well-known member
Good grief. Now why didn't I think of using a Bluetooth speaker? I must be getting senile,or the Tinnitus volume is so loud I can't hear my own thoughts.. Sheesh. Getting old....

I wonder how long my cellphone would power a blue-tooth speaker? Can a cellphone be plugged in to run a speaker overnight I wonder?


Well-known member
semi cheap sound bar would work if you have audio outs on phones.

as far as how long it will play, that is more dependent on how long your BT speaker plays.. the battery in the phone will last longer from near full charge.

the speaker I've got lasts about 4 hours. good for a long moovie with pausing.. but it was cheap so i'm sure longer battery life is possible.


Well-known member
i think mp3 players dont have power plugs. And cause some mp3 players are empty battery pretty fast too if you leave batteries in, i would try find a cheap i phone, on wich you can load yoour mp3files aswell i think.

If you then plug your portable speaker into phone, i recognized they sometimes play on lise level.. powered entirely by phone. but pretty lise..

so the last thing you then need is google for the longest running bluetooth speaker. some go 8 hours on mid volume, thats pretty much the best i seen. The durations the Vendors list are for mid Volume, on loud volume you can easily divide that number by two. Dont by an Apple phone, as they might not have mp3 apps.. Typical apple. So, i actually ment Smartphone ..


Well-known member
I know its alot steps to finally get music out bluetooth speakers.

you need a memorycard, if its a small Card, need n etension, to finally plug into computer to transfer files.. its really horrible.

so, im thinking why not use Streaming. But then you have to charge money onto phone, create spotify accout, pay spotify account.. Pay internet access on phone. Only one thing is easy: spotify has nearly every song on this Planet.. So, once youre sick of the same songs, you can really just choose easily new ones, thats easy. and its great. Good thing doing that Streaming way is you can easily google for help, and find instructions even for them having problems understanding them.


Well-known member
One more thing, i realize you may not need to use memorycard for Smartphone to transfer mp3, i think there are special plugs to connect them with computer if you find those plugs. Probably the easyest solution in the end.

Slim Pickens

Well-known member
I was thinking about getting a cheap smartphone...but I detest Google,and every smartphone is loaded with Google crap. I'd like to get one of those new "DeGoogled" phones,but that is another hassle.That leaves the Iphone. I found a Bluetooth speaker here: https://www.amazon.com/Enhanced-Spl...s&qid=1615710106&sprefix=oontz,aps,268&sr=8-4

I may try to use my Iphone SE and see how long it will power the speaker. If not long enough,I'll run the phone on the charger. I may call the local cellphone repair outfit and make sure I'm not going to negatively impact my phone first. There are programs that will allow you to transfer files from a PC to an Iphone, so that is something I'll have to get installed also.

In the meantime,I found a youtube file "Brown Noise" which sounds like being in a commercial airliner. Pretty unobtrusive actually. I had tried the rain MP3's,and they actually got on my nerves. Go figure.

Thanks for the help and suggestions!


New member
I know what tinnitus is from my own experience. I started experiencing it after the flu and it drove me crazy. My friend suggested me visiting an ear doctor staten island. Fortunately, my tinnitus turned out to be temporary. But still, I couldn't sleep and that ringing in my ears made me irritated and exhausted (I think, you know what I mean). So, a doctor recommended receiving treatment. I chose Serenade as it is customized to your specific tinnitus. It includes 4 separate soundtracks so you can select the one that works best for you, day or night. I should say, it really works and I feel the relief. Also, I take Vitamin B12, Zink, and ginkgo extract. All this works great for me. I hope my experience will be helpful for you.

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