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aeroponic nutrients


New member

new to aeroponic and i have a couple of questions about nutrients.

Now i use CANNA AQUA brand

I use RO water, so now need to add CalMag. The instructions say I need start with 0.4 EC CalMag. But I can fertilize with only 0.5 EC because it's barely the second week. Now I'm wondering if Calmag counts towards the final EC or do I add 0.4EC calmag and 0.5EC other fertilizers so a total of 0.9EC?


Well-known member

new to aeroponic and i have a couple of questions about nutrients.

Now i use CANNA AQUA brand

I use RO water, so now need to add CalMag. The instructions say I need start with 0.4 EC CalMag. But I can fertilize with only 0.5 EC because it's barely the second week. Now I'm wondering if Calmag counts towards the final EC or do I add 0.4EC calmag and 0.5EC other fertilizers so a total of 0.9EC?
Why can you only feed .5ec? I run close to .8 as a base for most everything without issues.

You can run crazy high EC with aeroponics if you don't have a medium. Your going to have to provided all of the micro nutrients so it's going to be hard to squeeze everything in and stay under .5 ec.


New member
Why can you only feed .5ec? I run close to .8 as a base for most everything without issues.

You can run crazy high EC with aeroponics if you don't have a medium. Your going to have to provided all of the micro nutrients so it's going to be hard to squeeze everything in and stay under .5 ec.

and what thats mean? if u have 0,8ms? 0,4ms calmag and 0,4 other nutrition? Or you ignoring Calmag EC?

this chart its ok? here have 0,4 start water with calmag



Active member
At the beginning of germination you should use 0.6 ms in total, that is: 0.4 ms in the Calmag base + 0.2 ms of a roots stimulator.
Continue this way until the plant starts to develop. If you grow with cuttings, the same EC for at least 1 week. And gradually increase it depending on the state of the plant without exceeding 1.2 ms in the growth phase.
In addition to this, the pH should be between 5.6/5.8 and the amount of light from the beginning to the end of the vegetative phase should be between 7/20K lux.
You can prepare a base of 0.4 ms with Calmag as long as the plants do not start to show a deficiency. And if there is a deficiency, you can correct it either by increasing the Calmag base to 0.6/0.8 ms or by correcting it with mononutrients.


New member
ty guys, i feed now with 0,7ms. What its max EC in flower stage?

And for now big questions, It says where or could it be approximately predicted how big a container of water would need? my tent is 1,2m x 2,4 and will grow 60 plants and sog. In soil plants need 100L in week. Will there be anything like that?
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Active member
The EC will depend on the variety you grow, as well as the amount of lux and of course the range of fertilizers you are going to use. It can vary from a maximum EC of 1.4ms to approximately 2.5ms.
Another thing to keep in mind is what type of system you use for your aeroponics, I did not see any description of it. What type of pump are you using and at what maximum pressure? What size are the nebulizers? What range of fertilizers do you use?
In Aeroponics you will use less water and fewer nutrients. I don't know if you are clear about it, but you are entering into a very complicated subject without having a minimum base of information.


Active member
I don't want to disappoint you, but there are many more details to take into account in the world of Aeroponics. Filters so that the nebulizers do not get clogged, water oxygenation, high pressure pump, flow pump to remove nutrients and prevent them from settling at the bottom of the main tank, a drainage container with a pump to return to the tank, and more things to keep in mind.


New member
I know that will be very difficult but it will be necessary to try once.

My plan its have 4 boxes with dimension 100cmx55cmx40cm. I will building high pressure system. i try now with 2 pump 120PSI, both pumps are connected to the battery in case of electricity failure. In every box will have 12 nozzles (0,6mm). I will now try this round with one smaller box.
For drainage have box under box, and 10 micron filter so they don't clog nozzles. For now its only problem nutritions. I use CANNA brand aqua.