I am looking for any information on growing via solar power. I live in an area were it gets very cold in the winter and also somewhat hot in the summer. I do believe that solar would be a great option for heating and air conditioning. They do now make an A.C. unit that runs off of I believe 400w solar energy and radiant heating could even work with water cooled lights, CO2, ect. not only producing heat for the op but also working as a heat exchanger. My biggest questions lie with the amount of panels it would take to run a 600 or 1000 watt HID. Growing is not a hobby, but something I am in for the long run. Is there already a thread containing this info.? If not I will try and post any info I come across as I do believe its relevant to not only this community but to the future of indoor horticulture as a whole. Karma, One Love