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A Night To Remember

shiva boy

Well it was another exciting night in the woods. Here were dorothy and toto live we have had a ton of rain and it has kept me and my pards from getting out much. But anyway on with the story...... We always get dropped off and then picked up later but tonight for some reason we all have yet to figure out we dicided that since the wheat had been harvested we would just drive down part way to the patch or all the way if we could get there. Dumb move... the feild was lets just say still soaked from all the rain and we got stuck about 50 yards in. We dug and we dug but no luck because we had bottomed out, this thing was stuck. So here we are stuck in some unkown farmers feild at 1:00 am in the morning thinking we just fucked this patch because if someone else had to pull us out I was'nt comin back, no way in hell. So one of my buds that helps lives in the area, he grabs another friend and heds up the road to go to this cabin, house or whatever you wanna call it to see if they could find anything that might help get us out no one lived there for about a year now. I stay back and wait for them to come back. I had waited probably 45 min when I see this light comin down the road and as it get closer I realize that that was a tractor comin my way. Low and behold they had found a tractor that had the keys in it and even had a chain in the cabin. Needles to say we got unstuck and got the farmers tractor back in its home and we all made it home safe and sound :rolleyes: . Anybody else out there got any wild outdoor stories to tell I would should love to hear them. Got more to tell but not quit as wild as that one


Your crazy man, nice story...how are the plants after the rain anyway?

Ive had a few frights myself....couple of years back i was growing at a house in a residential area...id been down watering and checking everything and was walking out the door when i saw two cops standing just outside the house. I played it cool thinking they could be there for anything...then i saw a police van filled with them coming down the street. Thats when i shit myself,walked back in to the house and slammed the door. Blood pressure sky high, 1000 thoughts per second...you know how it is. I was actually making up a story when the door knocked:eek: :confused: SHIT. Im going down i thought. Fuck it.....i opened the door...a sexy blonde cop(female) was standing there...i was about to put my hands out to be cuffed when she said "theres been a burglary in the house directly behind you sir, did you see anyone or anything suspicious":p RELIEVED isnt the word...two minutes before, i was preparing myself for jail...two minutes later and i was preparing an extra strong joint:cool:


shiva boy

The plants are alittle water logged but ok... we need some sun and heat for a couple weeks and they will be fine. We have had 10" in the last 30 days. There are lots of rollie pollies around plants but when it dries out they will go away. I know there has to be more stories out there, comon ladies and gents lets hear em.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
i was travelling with 2 pals, in a van, we were in wales at the time, anyway, this van had a big, bucket bong, stuck, like a font in the middle of the floor in the back, and we were parked on this lane getting smashed(i must stress that that we may or may not have ingested halluconogenic mushrooms lol) we heard whistling. it got closer until BANG BABG BANG on the door of the van, we opened it, and it was 60 r old welsh copper, on a fucking bicycle, bicycle clips and the works, he looked in the van at the 3 oz of superskunk and the bucket, took a sniff of the air, and said "Ooooh, its dope is it boys, ok then, as long as ur not upsetting the animals" got on his bike, started to whistle, and rode away, we wernt sure if it had happened the next day, but it had 2 have, coz we couldnt all imagine it, lol, nor couild the shrooms, which we may, or may not have had in our systems at the time couldnt give us a group hallucination could it


Fucking quality Harry...loved it...i hate to say it but cops arent all bad, you get the odd decent one. Ive smoked with a cop...in uniform:D Strange... but true;)

shiva boy

thanks bartender

thanks bartender

The hour ride home all we could say was WOW can't believe we got out of this one. there have been others. Like the time we were loading 10 army bags full into the back of the truck at 4 in the mornin when we looked back there was a vehicle coming about 1/4 mile behind us we did a speedy load and proceeded down the contry roads with light out at about 90 MPH. Luckly it wasnt LEO but sure was a scare. By the way those army bag hold about 30 pounds wet which turns into 7 dry so there plenty to be worried about:eek: .