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A little question if i may.


New member
Iam not sure,
but does altitude have any effect on the way cannabis grows

like at
etc etc

i know the coca plant for cocaine,
the higer the altitude the better end product.



Hi WeedFarmer,
Good question. I have been growing many years, but it has all been between sea level and 1,500ft. I bet FastPine will know a little more on this subject. His grow is at 8,500 this year.



New member
wow such fast replies , i just refreshed the page and there it was!

yea i was just wondering, ill wait for someone , i belive somone will know, or we can compare maybe , like speed of growth , of peoples grow at 1500 ft and 8500ft

idk thou thanks
Well, it would only make sense that it would affect things as you're closer to the light source, with a different air mixture and also pressure increase. Not sure which would be more prime for cannabis growing, higher or lower alt, but I'd assume that would depend on the strand too. Some strands may be more acclimated to high altitudes and be better to thrive in those conditions.

Just my logical opinion, not based on any personal research of course :) I'm only like 90 feet above sea level.. :D