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A Little Help??



These Lovly Ladies have lost their home... and need to be moved.

Came home and there was a "For Sale" sign posted. Landlord didn't say a thing till after I got home

The girls are on a remote part of the property but I can't take the chance. I either cut em down and toss 'em or try to move 'em.
Anybody out there got any experience at this???
I've got room indoors but not outdoors.
I do believe that I can get a pretty good root ball...

Any input is appreciated...

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all praises are due to the Most High
hello Bluze, nice looking plants :)

you can move them for sure, but the issue i see is that if you are at a nothern lat. where frost and cold will come in a couple of months, when and if you dig the plants up and re-plant them outdoors somewhere, they will be shocked and may pro-long their finishing time to a point where the cold won't let them flower well.
if you are at a more tropical lat. i say go for it! :D

i don't know whether bringing plants that big that vegged outdoors under artificial lighting will work well, yield and plant's general vitality may drop noticeably.

if these plants are far away enough from the house being sold, i'd leave them there, selling a house takes a long long time... thing is that if people come to see the house and may want to walk around the whole area they may find the ladies... what a complicated decision to make my friend...

i can only wish you the best of lucks and hope another icmagger can give you better ideas...

be well and peace.


i have done it before.....but she Hermie...it is very stressful...others have done successfully....if they were smaller i would say no problem......but some plants are stronger than others...i would give it a try...what size light are you planning on using?...it mite be better to just take a bunch of clones before you transplant just in case.

Fast Pine

Active member
Those are close enough togeather, to put up a portable greenhouse around them..That crop, has potential to harvest alot of bud..Maby you could but up solid walls and a clear roof..Put on a lock..An make sure to be home when they do walk throughs..

Idonnno about moving em..Those look pretty establised..

I would think indoors would be worse than outdoors in this sitiation..Tha land lord is gonna want to show potential buyers the WHOLE house.. :confused:

Good luck..those look really nice..I hope you harvest em. :wave:


let them go as long as you can. as was mentioned above, it can take a while to sell a house and at this point, every week you give them just makes them better. good luck.


it can take sometimes like six months to close a deal man...wait until a buyer comes..Who knows he might not even sell it...The apt. im in he's been trying to sell the house for 2yrs now..