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A Lil O'Kief tube BHO



Heres some BHO i made today that is very potent.Its made from some commercial schwagg that is very cheap so its good for oil.It does get you high but i prefer BoggleGum or BlueMoonShine,lol.Got me a Tube from O'Keif and some King Butane(very cheap),couldnt get Colibri anywhere,and i seen the Lava Butane that is 5 x refined but they sell out as soon as they get a new shipment in.Also it's very expensive for the Lava.Peace DWW...First is the weed im makin it from
/Next is the tube and Butane/
// and heres a couple shots of the purged product.//
// heres a couple pix of some oil and Kif mixed together and boy it rocks,golden snake,lol..
//is that what Jelly is??
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Heres a pic after sitting all night.Rock hard,tastes real spicey in a joint.Peace DWW



can you put the butane into, lets say glassjar, and shake the living hell out of it like with acetone or iso? or does it have to be in a tube?

i have made bho with tube before, but i have to try it some other way as i have a fear, that it will explode to my face
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Slap-A-Ho tribe
Glad you like your tube bro and nice oil to boot. AMD you can use iso or hexane in a jar like you described. Acetone does have a few nasties in it that i would avoid. Just remember when using iso or hex not to wash it longer than 2 min tops ot you start to get chlorophyl. Back in the day many, many years ago and before BHO we used acetone. Made pretty good oil but it does have a few nasties....which i found out later in life.


Thanks for stopping by guys :respect: .i used to do the Acetone thing back in the day CSB,but like you say it has long term effects.No matter how you purged it and it always came out pretty dark and extra residue was trapped in it,but stil rocked my world.And yeh,love the tube.Great costumer service at O'Kief also.The tip insert for the lab grade rubber stopper was missing when i recieved it,so they sent me a whole new plug with insert and a couple screens for free and free S+ H without hesitation,but i need the big banger one so i get more oil at once,lol..Peace DWW


Pretty soon you will be as retarded as the rest of the die-hard BHOer's if you keep this up DWW :respect: :bashhead:


Hey thanks Bro,and yer right,i can already feel the brain cells floating away as we speak,lol.I just mixed some oil and some Kif with some 73 bubble.The kif i have dont bubble but the oil and Bubble Hash do so i mix the kif with it so i can puff it in a bowl without it disappearing through the screen.Now thats a blob 'o' resin,lol.Post pix after a make another batch of oil.This time with ISO.Bram,i have another question about ISO.All's i can find is 91% ISO,is that good enough?I cant find any 99.9 or whatever around my kneck of the woods.Peace DWW.


Active member
thats some very nice pictures there
i just got a okief tube some weeks ago to i realy like this tool

the 91% iso is just fine the only diference between 91% and 99% is the time it takes to evaporate,the taste and high is all the same

here is a picture of some iso oil i made with 91% just so u can see it is fine

i just throw in two pictures of some bho oil made with my okief tubes

made from 91%iso




It should be fine. I have never seen 91% in all actuality, but you could always try charcoal filtering the iso first to try and remove more impurities first. Let us know how the iso oil turns out.


Active member
the differns between 91% iso and 99 % iso is only added water ,not any impurities,so a rinse before use will be a waste of time

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