What's new

A big thank you.


ICMag Donor
When OG went down, it was a very sad time. Everyone got seperated and many went their own way. Some for the good and some for the bad. Worse then that, was the empty feeling of losing a place to talk, learn and share our passion.

I was sure that those days were gone. I never thought anything could fill the empty feeling left and that I would have to go from site to site for any quantity of growlogs. I was wrong.

I would like to thank each and every man and woman who has made this outdoor forum a success this year. I never in my wildest dreams would have imagined this kind of turn out and support. Again, thank you all for making this year a great success. I do miss a lot of my old friends and I hope someday they decide to come back out and join us. Peace and I hope everyone harvests a great crop. You all deserve it.


ICMag Donor
I would much rather smoke than drink, but at my age thats not always the viable option. Especially when you're out of homegrow and the price of herbs are equal to the price of gold.

This site has become the new overgrow in my opinion, but its still not the same. We need to get some sort of faq and strain guide goin.....
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