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95% Ethanol


Active member

I wondered if anyone has seen or used something called an Essential Oil Extraction liquid to make their resin. I saw this on a site:


and yesterday when I was at the grow shop I see they are selling it there now as well. Its about 30% more Bux at my grow shop but seeing how ordering stuff like that by mail from the other side of the country is almost impossible ....flamable product etc.... I would wear it I think

anyway I got a chance to check out the label and it says its 95% Ethanol. It has < 1% each of 2 other ingredients I can't recall.....

They tell me you can process about 500gms of material per 1 litre of this extraction liquid....and I haven't seen it anywhere else... no craft shops or hardware.. nothing

So if I said "Essential oil extraction liquid" or 95% ethanol... has anyone used either of these? Had good or bad results?

I get a litre of iso at maplin's for £10 or Newport tripple refined Btane for £1 at the local corner shop ,both make a pure product! especially with a bit of kiff mixed in.


Slap-A-Ho tribe
completely safe but very flammable and as we know most solvents are. I just find it funny they put "Essential Oil Extraction" on it and probably jack the price up 200%. How much does that one bottle cost?


PS. You use it on pretty much the same as iso as far as extraction.
PSS. Most cities i've seen have at least one place that sells racing fuel/ high octane fuel / Ethanol to the public....you might try looking there too

<edit> Damn!!!! they charge that much lol. http://www.accenthydroponics.com/ecom1/prod369.htm

If you live where that store is based out of i would bet you could find it at a petro station a whole lot cheaper.
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My little pony.. my little pony
Its basically grain alcohol or alcohol fit for consumption unlike iso. Iso is a poison.

You will notice a big difference in taste between using Iso and ethanol.


That price is pretty steep considering that 190 proof Everclear is about the same price for 1.75 liters.



Active member
thanks guys

I wondered if this was the same as Everclear, not ever having seen that stuff around.

I figured this ethanol was just another type of ISO. Seeing as most spirits around here are mostly ethanol with flavor. unless you go a name brand like Jack Daniels etc, most the cheap bourbons, whiskeys and other spirits are just flavored ethanol mixes...

You can tell when the pounding starts in your head after about your 3rd drink...... not the next day when you wake up......of course ethanol is the key headache ingredient in your alcohol.....

Stuff like this is pretty well controlled here now... so ethanol fuel is hard to get unless you know someone who is able to get this stuff ..... I would be worried about nasties in the form of additives in the fuel version of ethanol..... willing to take a look though



Slap-A-Ho tribe
No need to worry about additives if you buy it before it's mixed with fuels lol. I always noticed oil made with everclear/ethanol is sweeter compared to the same made with iso.


My little pony.. my little pony
Most of what gives you the sensation of a hangover is impurities in the fermentation process.

I also dont know any gas station that sells pure ethanol because pure blend ethanol can seriously F an engine up with just a little water in the gas. E85 is what they all are selling now which is 15% plain old unleaded gas and 85% ethanol.

Thats the problem with that kind of stuff, if you dont make it poisonous like iso people will start drinking it.


Active member
shit I hate it when you loose a good post...so try again

well your ethanol is the base cause of your hangover....


The ethanol produces chemicals when your body is dealing with it... so you get a hangover.... no doubt the preservative shit in your alcohol is gonna add to it for sure

interesting link,..... says brain needs sugar... alcohol stops body producing brains sugar.... your brain starts hurtin... alchohol dehydrates you when its being processed by your body... an your brain starts a hurtin.....

perhaps sugary water before crashin out for the night might help you smooth out the morning..

worth a try
treble said:
shit I hate it when you loose a good post...so try again

well your ethanol is the base cause of your hangover....


The ethanol produces chemicals when your body is dealing with it... so you get a hangover.... no doubt the preservative shit in your alcohol is gonna add to it for sure

interesting link,..... says brain needs sugar... alcohol stops body producing brains sugar.... your brain starts hurtin... alchohol dehydrates you when its being processed by your body... an your brain starts a hurtin.....

perhaps sugary water before crashin out for the night might help you smooth out the morning..

worth a try
Just drink two large glasses of water before going to bed and once you wake up.
You shouldn't have a headache at all.


My little pony.. my little pony
treble said:
shit I hate it when you loose a good post...so try again

well your ethanol is the base cause of your hangover....


The ethanol produces chemicals when your body is dealing with it... so you get a hangover.... no doubt the preservative shit in your alcohol is gonna add to it for sure

interesting link,..... says brain needs sugar... alcohol stops body producing brains sugar.... your brain starts hurtin... alchohol dehydrates you when its being processed by your body... an your brain starts a hurtin.....

perhaps sugary water before crashin out for the night might help you smooth out the morning..

worth a try

So what your saying is that its the booze in booze that gives hangovers?

You might be onto something, like food makes people fat. [ instead of the things in food that make you fat. ]

Its also not true since you can get really good booze that wont give you a shitty hangover like shitty booze will.
I was reading an article recently about part of the next day hangover being from mild withdrawl from ethanol... Like nicotine replaces an endorphin in the brain which the brain likes a whole lot more.. hence the addiction. Same thing like mentioned above.. brain likes alcohol sugars better than it's own.


yea its actually the impurities in alchohol that account for most of the hangover, though the statement that really good alchohol has less of these is untrue with the exception of vodka, since in whiskeys the impurities are what gives the liquor flavour


My little pony.. my little pony
You should try a single scotch malt, it has the same properties coming from a single malt distillation. They also make fine distilled tequila that doesnt leave a dent either.


i'm glad your all catching on. i was talking about how posionous butane could be. good chaps...