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70% iso Q


So the 70% iso is 30 percent water, so theroretically shouldn't I be able to pop it in the freezer and the water which is now frozen should float to the top so I can extract the pure iso?


Thanks for the info!

I've used 70 plenty in the past when it was all I could get my hands on I just thought it sucked how much more time it took to evap. and if I could have just frozen the water out that would have been ideal but no bigge.


Active member
hey guys ......isn't 70% iso padded out with some other "impurities" ? I have 67% iso... lets be precise here..... that I can score from my local market but there is quite a lot of shite in the mix that I'm not sure I would want to inhale.....it smells not too pleasant as well.... I use it to clean my bong, stems and bowls...

infact Shmike .... for the last few daze I been totally baked.. thanks!

its all down to your input and the other guys there on that ethanol thread..... but I was completely tanked last night and I was laying there feeling the light hand of anxiety on me..... been a while since I felt the paranoia's....

but I was wondering even about the 5% in my ethanol mix that isnt ethanol. 2 percent is made up of carrier oils, camomile and almond but the rest is unlisted so with the para's going on I was wondering if I had sucked down some crapola that was bad for me.

I dont know how I would feel if there was 30% unknown crap in my iso.... what do you think? does it get pulled of with the evap or does it stay in your oil/rez?

I used to be heavy into inhalants and some of the crap I inhaled took years to get outta my system... I stopped cause I OD'd and siezed... I continued to have these from time to time for about 7 or 8 years after... so am pretty wary of chems in things I breathe in.



My little pony.. my little pony
The azeotrope dealio is the reason iso will always have that iso taste to it compared with ethanol/grain alcohol. Because trace amounts are still in the mix, enough to the point where you can taste it.


Active member
interesting info... everclear is definately an option and there are some thread guides here at IC so have a search around n see whats out there.

I been thinking on that everclear.... its not a product we have here but we do have this alcohol essence which is like a flavoring product for specific flavors of alcohol...so if you wanted bourbon you would by that essence

it then gets mixed with alcohol, some sugars I think and then you have "bourbon". I am going to check out what the alcohol is that it is mixed with but I am guessing its going to be a grain alcohol like everclear..... I hope so... it would be a good source

If it turns out they sell the alcohol as well as the essence I will get some and share what I learn... where to go looking etc



Active member
can you just leave the alcohol in a room to dry at room temperture after a shake with 91% iso? and how long would that take

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