What about 6-6 and saying fuck it when you want to sleep longer and only uncover them by 8 or 9 or so? It was my belief that extra dark hours won't stress a plant... It's interrupting the dark period that causes trouble. If done frequently they could finish a bit faster though.
Its hard to say, I think tho it adds more stability. Like last year my folks did the 6-10 and they had some hermi issues, but our 6-6 was hermi free, but theres a lot of other factors that could have contributed to this.
I used a dehumidifier ran the whole time from tarp on to off with the 12 hours and they were good.
Nah ive seen a few people try less light in indoor setups and it = way less yield.
Noonin are you liking the 7-7 better than when you were running 5:30 to dark?
Heres a link to sun hours close to where im at in norcal, if i go 12-12 it'll prolly be 7-7 just because i get more afternoon than morning light on me spot...
Nah ive seen a few people try less light in indoor setups and it = way less yield.
Hello Fellow Light Deppers,
I'm on 7:30am to 7:30pm.
I really think all OD growers should have at least one of two Light Deps going. Even in smaller raised beds framed up. For me, it lets me test grow out a strain in a more controlled environment, and decide if it makes the cut for next years OD.
God Bless Tarp Pullers
Is there a Golden Tarp award going on at the Mateel this year? I haven't seen anything about it.