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41 an still growin!!!



Well hello old farts!!

Been at it 27yrs non-stop an love my WEED seen about every pheno
there is out there.And my favorite old strains Thai,Afgan Columian gold,Mex
Maui, Bermese an more!! Just now starting on the new hybrids/ indoors???

Outdoors has always kicked ass for me, but with 24/0 lighting i now save
lots of clones or moms.And most important the diamonds in the ruff(pheno)
if ya know what i mean!!Maybe this sounds weird but i grew outside and
never read up on REAL BREEDING not just inbreeding, wish i had known???

Had some REALLY ROBUST afgans an HUGE SWEET thai but lost over the years.Made many mistakes inbreeding an mixing bagweed to my gene pool?

Hopefully with the 17 seed pac's ive got ill find some good tasting weed!!!!
Also my new 600 for flower an 250 veg light ill see something good soon!:D


New member
awww youre a baby ...

awww youre a baby ...

im just a few years older than that myself ...

i agree with you about the good old standards ... nothin could beat the good old columbian gold ... my hubbyy is buggin me to get growin already ...

this is my 1st inside grow, but like you ive been very successful with my 30 or so years of outdoor growing. what kind of beans you going to grow?



indoor grows/beans!

indoor grows/beans!

COOL Mauie!!

My first attempt indoor was Chronic they out grew my light(250) so i got
a 600, but put the chron's outside to finish.And at the same time had some
Blueberry but over seeded them an put them out to finish also. Now i got
some JLP's crosses C99/NYCD lookin great under that 600 flowering now!!

Good to see an here from some OLD SCHOOL SMOKERS keep it up people!!


Active member
i first smoked pot in '72. started smoking everyday in '74. my first outdoor plant was in '75. i took the seeds out of a $35 oz. of good columbian my sister brought back from boston. grew it next to my house in a unmowed lot. back then not everybody knew what pot looked like. i tended those plants all summer. since then i have devoted alot of my life's work growing pot as well as other plants.but i'll never forget my first outdoor plant.


New member
that sounds familiar

that sounds familiar

radioman ... that could be my story almost ... i also first smoked in 72 - freshman in high school. my first grow was also in my backyard between the houses & it was columbian ... haha.

what ever happened to $30.00 oz's?


$30 bucks?? LOL I remember them going from $20 dollars to $45 almost overnight!

I remember my teenaged attempts at growing: I'd have the whole plant smoked by the third week of flower - Leaves and all! LOL

Now-a-days, I consider myself a Pot Snob. :cool:


New member
ya ya ya

ya ya ya

youre absolutly right about the prices jumping overnight. one day were smokin $15.00 lids the next $40.00 oz's. seriously ... what happened? was it the introduction of sinsemilla? cause really i didnt smoke sinse till much later ... always tried to get columbian gold or jamaican and thats the prices that skyrocketed.

and who among us can say that their first attempt (in retrospect) was great ... i think smoking all that green weed - stems, seeds, leaf and all is a right of passage.



Active member
old high times reader

old high times reader

i used to read high times alot in the 70's and 80's. tailed off in the 90's. was up at the library 1 day and looked it up on computer, was taking clones of own breed and just wanted any refresher tips. i was like holy shit they sell seeds on internet. must be rip-off. keep reading around. growing my own. i really only remember sensi seed co. from h.t., winning the cup alot. had old catalog in the 80's, but never ordered. don't know about all these strains on internet, just wanted some good afghani because i know what that is. well it's been a little over a year and over $400 (seed money) later. still really like my own strain, crossed it with one of "mr. nice's" and had a lot of fun. also made alot of seeds from ones i bought. never intended to get that involved.


Lammen Gorthaur
I guess that went the way of the four-finger bag.

I started schmokin' in 1979. Smoked for four years (big party animal) then met my wife and that was the end of that.

I came back to use it to tame the migraine and cluster headaches about a year and a half ago. Just hit it again. My first really well organized and executed grow. Nothing will ever taste as sweet as this and I'm proud to have some quality meds to share around locally.

I've learned a lot and found I can still buy pot for $35 an ounce - I just have to learn to grow it more efficiently to get that price.;)
I am also 41. Oh how I long for the days of Gainsville Green, Black African and Thai Stixs. Any of you guys remember what a Power Hitter was?


The Dog

Ahh the memories. 45 dollar QP of good mexican. 30 dollar oz of killer expanding Columbian Gold, 25 dollar thai sticks /Panama red . Panama red is the best I ever smoked. Serious expanding hash tasting weed. Bought and once like in 82 had to give away the last little bit . I could not beathe anymore. Nice hearing from the mature generation.


New member
my first was between some tomato plants in '74 . What a laugh. I would just cut off the branches and throw the leaf in the toaster oven for 2 minutes. Hell I didn't know it was the bud not leaf that I wanted.
Just started again 2 years ago but indoor now. Now I at least know that it's more than just putting a seed in dirt.(hydro now)
Later 54


Active member
the first half pound i bought was $90 for some pretty decent mexican and i bought a half ounce of real nice blonde lebanese hash at the same time. did you you guys ever think people would be paying money for seeds?


New member
Hello everyone ;)

shit im 43 and can relate to all the price changes in the last 20 years or so..

I remember buying some cali ses for $30 bucks a lid..

now a days i see prices here for just under $400 an oz..

its crazy and back in the day i could buy a nuckle bag with no bs for $5.00 and get an easy 8 or 9 joints from it and it was every where..

columbian gold was around more then thongs for petes sake..


Lammen Gorthaur
Yeah. Where I was on the East Coast, the real bad-ass stuff was this PR that was smashed and squashed all to shit. A dime bag was more like a thumb width of plant matter, though there usually were what appeared to be twigs and seeds. But like you said, you got 7 or 8 real deal joints out of it that would waste three people for a while.


power hitters

power hitters

yep i remember power hitters first time i ever got high was with one 1979 freshman in highschool skippin 3rd hour english jammin to AC/DC back in black hitten a power hitter.had to get high before lunch hour ya know LOL.it kicked my ass for those that say they didn't get high the first time they smoked didn't smoke out of a power hitter


Damn!!! Them was the days

Damn!!! Them was the days

Im with yall;)

All the memmorys with each post.

Grew my first crop in 78.
Anyone remember>>>NUTRISOL?

Absalutely the VERY best Fert for MJ I have ever used.
Hands down.


Gunny said:
$30 bucks?? LOL I remember them going from $20 dollars to $45 almost overnight!

I remember my teenaged attempts at growing: I'd have the whole plant smoked by the third week of flower - Leaves and all! LOL

Now-a-days, I consider myself a Pot Snob. :cool:

No, actually I remember it well. $35-40 was Columbian $40-45 was Columbian Red and $50 was columbian gold!
As for SINSE!! I remember FONDLY filling JARS with seeds from each qp!! It was seedy smoke!!

No.....actually, it went from a top of $50 to a bottom of $150 when this new seedless green weed from Cali started showing up!

Remember, I am speaking of NYC prices!!!

God, as Archie Bunker once sang.....Those were the days!


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