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400 watt hps or mh? need imput.


Box size is 4W x 3.5H x 2D

looking to get a 400 watt hid light. (ballast kit)

recent news and discussions lean me toward a metal halide w/the new
blue bulb.
- pros: creates short n squat plants which would be ideal
- cons: light weight or not as high of a yeild

proven time and time again facts and articles say use a hps.
- pros: higher yeild more beneficial for my needs of weight
- cons: less of a blue spectrum and more height issues?

I have thought bout going with the m.h blue bulb and using a
conversion bulb hps, is this ok?

please help here cause ultimately I need to make a choice, because
CFL's I love em buts its time for more :)


Keep using those fluoros for veg. You can't beat them. As for flowering I would have to recommend the hps.

Hope this helps,


thank you seed no imput on m.h ? I really wanna swing that way because a buddy of mine does compact nft and prefers m.h over h.p.s.

hummmmmmm :(


I have no experience with a MH so my opinion is only as good as what I've heard.
Try the hps with blue fluors. You can stuff a 150w fluoro vertically next to or in you plant safely.



Pass That S**t!
Dont phase out MH just yet. MH gives you nice and tight internode lengths and keeps the plant height short. IMHO MH gives the best color spectrum for plant growth (4000k-5000k), only problem is that it doesnt output as much as an HPS. There are however, MH systems that that output as much as HPS, such as PSMH.

I think just its best to use both MH and HPS for flowering. Use MH for the first month of flowering to reduce stretching, and use hps for the rest of the grow. Doing this will guarentee a nice and even canopy through out the flower phase.

So simply buy a 400w HPS ballast, 400w HPS bulb, and a 400w MH conversion bulb (runs on hps ballast) and youre set.

http://www.lightingcloseout.com/product_detail.cfm?ProductID=394&CategoryID=3 - HPS bulb ballast and socket
MH conversion bulbs and HPS bulbs - http://www.plantlightinghydroponics.com/


OG Refugee
txeffect, you might want to consider a digital 400 so that you can run MH or HPS off of it...plus the lower heat factor and slightly lower energy usage.

I flower under 1K Agrosuns (MH) and while they plants are slightly shorter, it's really not that big of a difference....the buds are a little tighter tho.


My 400 watt with extra spectum bulb.forgot the name.

And here are some Train Wreck in vegg, under that light...



I would love to buy a digital I have seen a 400 watt dual on ebay for around 149.00 I think. But that is out of my price range due to summer events lol :)

I would like to say Thank You to everyone who contributed!!!

I am going to go with this 400w HPS ballast, 400w HPS bulb, and a 400w MH conversion bulb.

run the m.h up to last 2-3 weeks and then switch
finish flowering the last 2-3 weeks with the coversion bulb

oh by the way I do all organic (soil) but soon will be messing round with
a homemade bubbling bucket :) of course all organic hydro then.

thanks once again

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