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400 HPS or (8) 4' Tech 5 Flor?


We have 7 Muchachas @ day 36 flowering with (1) 1000 HPS & (2) 400 HPS
Most are doing well directly under the lights but the two in the rear look like they are @ 2-3 weeks... solution: more light. We have 500 cfm exhaust w/twin 6" passive intakes in a well insolated building (8'x12'x8') with an averagedaytime temp @ 87f . I'm trying to decide between a 400 HPS or a (8) 4' Tech 5 Flor array. The Flor puts out 40,000 lums but it can get close to the rear girls to really flood em. I can get 54,000 lums going 400 HPS w/ a GE bulb but the heat? Any Thoughts onwhich to get? BTW we have ploy sheil on walls ceiling & floor (in case the blue meanies try to take shots from our 18" crwl space) Would mylar be better? :fsu: :yoinks:

Jam Master Jaco

Definately go with the 400 watt hps. As soon as you switch to flowering your plants will most likely double in size...at least...so you're gonna want a light that can penetrate the top canopies and give light to those lower leaves.

*edit* whoa whoa whoa...you already have a 1000 watter AND two 400s?! Damn man. Well sheesh, forget what I just said. My suggestion to you is to scrap the 400s and get another 1000 watter. :wave:
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1000 too much

1000 too much

we only hve room for another 500 watts for now (electricly speaking) BTW the chart look useful but needs to be scanned @ a higer res to read Thanx Peace
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They must be seven massive plants if 1.8K isnt flooding them with light already


1000 HPS it is

1000 HPS it is

Yes skel, I'm 6'-0" and look up to them
see purskills (my son) pics in the grow diaries
We said fuck it and drove to Capital City and got a sun system 1000 hps w/ 6" air vents. we'll have a flood-o-rama of light. The real reason for the retarded groth was a over fert w/ kool bloom (we now stick to earth juice) http://www.icmag.com/ic/newreply.php?do=newreply&noquote=1&p=660382#
From then on I stuck to enviermental controll and Pureskill uses his green thumb on the girls
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On second thoughts....

On second thoughts....

We liked the SunSystem sooooo much we're scraping our moon size parabolic for another tomorow I'll post pics after instalation :bongsmi:
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